
No, it speaks more to who was driving them. It’s hard to pay attention to pedestrians when you’re putting on makeup.

Having owned multiple early VW vehicles, I can tell you that air-cooled cars are not a great option anywhere that it regularly gets colder than 32°.

It’s also important to recognize that rear-engine cars are not well suited to US highway driving. The lack of weight over the front wheels makes them prone to understeer at higher speeds, until you start to panic and let off the gas, when they become prone to oversteer and the back end kicking out. Just ask James

Téa Leoni was the only redeeming factor in the first film, which is the only one I saw all the way through. Any of the others couldn’t measure up to a casual view on cable.

For anyone not clicking through on slide 10, the guy doing 182 on a Hayabusa was 6'5" and 355 lbs. That’s some serious mass there. 

Depends. Are their lips moving?

And these guys resent the fact that police/community relations aren’t good. I don’t care how cheap it was, the money spent on acquisition and upkeep of an MRAP has so many better uses.

Seriously, though, are cucumbers susceptible to contamination on the inside of the fruit, or is it a case of contaminated treatment carrying germs on the outside? Is proper cleaning of cucumbers generally sufficient to avoid infection?

However, they should take a good look at how that’s all worked out for Russian oligarchs under Putin’s reign. “I’ll let you do whatever you want, until I don’t.”

I guess I am confused why people think this is wrong.

I’m well aware of the atrocities Hamas committed, but that can never justify committing atrocities in return. All countries are held to this standard. While some would have approved of the US indiscriminately carpet bombing, or even nuking, Afghanistan post-9/11 in an effort to eliminate Al Qaeda, that would have been

I had to call out my sister-in-law many years ago for using it. She’s not a particularly racist person, but she had heard it enough in her youth that she simply had it in her vocabulary.

This does me expect that the judgement will be significantly reduced on appeal.

What, the ones around you wait until the light turns green to rev the engine?

I now wonder what constitutes “evidence”?

While it’s true that all 3 things can match a (too large) portion of the populace, there are still a fair number of citizens that only match the first 2. The deeply disturbing thing is that too few of those citizens will consider not voting for Trump anyway.

I’m just glad that we’ve completely avoided the other term used around here (south of Chicago) for a badly cobbled together solution to a problem. One that involves the worst racial slur.

Well, Nyad did okay, but that film had two major stars, telling a more contemporary story, and was clearly marketed as awards bait. But, yes, solo swimming by a woman a century ago is going be a niche film no matter what.

I wonder what else was Israel supposed to do?