
Is a female athlete’s story so much less compelling than the rowing team in The Boys In The Boat or the adventure racers in Arthur The King?

I guess they can’t figure out how to make her into another Disney Princess ™

And after all of that, recognize that the vehicle is possibly closer to the end of its life than the beginning, and act accordingly. You can’t rely on a warranty at this point. Do not defer any maintenance, and drive it gently.

Running from phones will leave far too many vehicles not communicating. Think older drivers without an updated app and privacy objectors that refuse to “be tracked”. Unless the govt mandates software in phone OSs, way too many vehicles will be unseen.

It’s the reselling that is the root of the problem. Eliminate the secondary market and tickets will again sell to fans at face value.

Think globally, act locally.

It’s what I thought Toyota and Honda should have done with the C-HR and HRV: Make a butched up 2 door version of their sub-compact CUVs. 

The best explanation is one that heard recently. Trump voters feel like they’ve been victimized by changes in the workplace and culture. Trump presents himself as a victim, one that is representative of their victimization, so they identify and support him. It makes little sense to me, but I can understand how some

Road rage wasn’t much less, but fewer drivers were armed. And even fewer were willing to shoot.

I don’t think that the major problem is a standard from the automakers. That’s what govt mandates are for. The big problem is that only new cars would have it. All of the old vehicles would still be “dumb”. Aren’t we up to 12+ years average age now? It would take even longer before most vehicles had C2C comm, and that

This kind of data is worth $500M? To who?

I think that part of the problem for Furiosa was the amount of pre-release hype. Everywhere you turned, you either saw Taylor-Joy, Hemsworth, or some other promotion. I find that my interest goes down when that happens, in that I perceive an inverse relationship between a film’s quality and the amount of hype it

The vote always goes up when the presidency is on the ballot. They would show up to vote, if for no other reason than to vote against Biden.

Yeah, she looks to have decided that if she can’t beat him, she’ll join him.

Yes, I just saw that bit of performance by her. Clearly, she’s not betting on Trump keeling over. She’s either positioning for 2028 or (less likely) the VP slot.

they own the god damn reseller sites

Yes, the secondary market should be all but eliminated. They did it for a brief time about 10 years ago. I bought tickets for Bruce and had to show my credit card to enter. I think that there was still the possibility for, say, a parent to buy tickets for a teen, then go with them to the gate to get them in without

This ain’t no midterm, though. If Trump can’t be on the ballot, plenty of them will still vote for the tribe’s choice rather than Biden.

The smarts are on Haley’s part, not the voters. If we are talking about voter smarts, Trump would never have been elected in the first place if enough of them had any.

It’s not Amex, or even the presales that are the root of the problem. It’s the existence of a market for reselling. Adding other cards will just move the presales around. As long as there is a market for ticket arbitrage there is going to be a huge problem with brokers and their bots snapping up the tickets, creating