
I guess that age is part of it. The appeal of being jammed into a space with tens of thousands of like minded fans has faded for me, if it was ever there in the first place.

I can’t tell from the original post just how far Cruise took the joke. Like, was it 10 seconds of pretending to be in trouble or 2 minutes of furiously acting like the chopper was doomed? It makes a lot of difference.

Who is she going to lose the Trumpers to? Their only option is to not vote, and I would expect Haley to be smart enough to whip them into a frenzy over how a second Biden term would destroy the America they “love”.

The only real answer to this crap is a return to the short-lived requirement that the ticket purchaser show up at the venue for the show. I was able to get good seats for Springsteen at face value about a decade ago under that system.

I really don’t get the stadium show anymore. The sound is rarely good and visibly questionable. I want to see shows in a venue that was designed for performance, not a place designed for sports.

Oh, she was already moderating her rhetoric post-Dobbs, trying to make the case for exceptions to bans. I would expect her to work harder on that, including the BS about “letting states decide” so voters on both sides of the issue would think that they could still have what they want. She would definitely be able to

Everything you’re noting are voter engagement issues. She managed to get elected governor in SC, so she managed to get past those issues before. And the Ds can’t really use any of those points against her with Kamala on their ticket. So the biggest effort she would need to make is the appeal to tribalism, continuing

Haley is no Palin. She’s more experienced, and a helluva lot smarter than Palin.

It would be like seeing the Beatles at The Hamburg Club.

Only electorally, she won the popular vote. Haley would have a fighting chance of taking all the same states that Trump did in 2016 with Trump out of the race.

She pulled decent numbers against Trump, even after dropping out. That shows resonance with a significant group of R voters. And given Biden’s continued low approval numbers, she would rack up good numbers from the Rs while poaching a sizable number of independent voter and disaffected Ds. Her status as the first

Right off the bat, I hate how close “Triton” is to “Titan

If it were to happen, it needs to happen after the RNC convention and his name is already on the ballot. If it happened sooner, they would replace him, probably with Haley, who would likely beat Biden.

I started on a little thought experiment the other day. Let’s say that you can magically revisit any event that has happened since you were born. You can’t change anything, you can only observe. So any concert or performance is available. I think that I might choose to see Bruce and the E Street band at the Stone

I agree, but AI could be a very valuable tool for human programmers. I remember the days of struggling with paper manuals, looking for the solution to some problem with my code. Now I can just post a well-worded question to the Net, and will almost always find the answer on the first page of results. I could see an AI

Most actors aren’t just willing, but eager, to play villains. It involves finding the dark side of yourself, and expressing it in the work. We don’t much get opportunity to release our demons in real life. It’s kinda frowned upon. But it can be a rich vein to mine with the right role.

But the family cast really made up for it, especially Chris Evans’ heel turn given how much he was associated with the Captain America role. They were all so despicable in their own ways.

VW was able to sell into the US market with basically the same model for about 2 decades. But they did it on a value proposition, that the same design with notable technical improvements was a good deal. Tesla just can’t pull that off.

A junior dev can grow into a senior dev, ChatGPT can’t!