
His 30 Days episode about outsourcing tech work to India was especially meaningful to me. I was working in tech just as my employer was moving into outsourcing. I burned it onto a DVD to share with my co-workers, who all found it really meaningful as well.

He either needs to get off of the train, or remember what made the first film so good. Identical twins that no one in a group of old acquaintances knows about? That was infuriating.

Insurance rates have me thinking about cutting down to one car instead of two.

$1000/month for groceries? Have you got a houseful of teenage boys that gave entered the locust phase of their growth?

Kitty don’t care.

Users will also be able to filter out specific apps or websites from being scanned, pause snapshot collection, and delete some or all snapshots stored on their device.

When they send us their bees, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending bees that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good bees.

A whole helluva lot of US households, if not a majority, are dependent on 2 incomes. If one of those incomes goes away, either temporarily while incurring uninsured health costs, or permanently with no life insurance, that household is going wind up needing support from the state. Now, not all helmetless riders are

The only reason for wanting video games in the car is if they can be played by the annoying back seat passengers

If you happen to be walking to the bathroom and this happens

Wagons make a lot of sense as a long haul vehicle, as long as you aren’t caught up in being fashionable. Highly versatile, able to be both utilitarian and attractive.

The problem with forfeits for someone injured while helmetless is that there’s often a spouse and/or children left behind. Forfeiting insurance coverage is going to turn that family into wards of the state.

The major difference is that the developers don’t need to deal with property rights and NIMBYs when laying out a right-of-way for this.

If it’s a Jag or a Camry, yeah, I’ll pick the Camry every damn time. But if I could have more than that Camry (which is highly unlikely), I wouldn’t opt for another utilitarian vehicle. And I doubt that I would pick even a well-sorted XKE for a toy, as much as my 10-year-old heart would prefer, I still would go for

“We don’t want to scare people,” Yu said.

which will outperform it in every possible way

Coulda been worse:

Worse yet is what GIGO has morphed into: Garbage In, Gospel Out. People think that because it came from the computer that it must be right.

I’m guessing that a lack of knowledge about the built in tracking, coupled with a dim understanding that something so uncommon must be proportionally more valuable, led him to take his shot.

I had plenty of siblings, relatives and friends