
While Cohen’s focus is more on the Housewives shows, there are numerous other Bravo shows where people have very little agency, especially those people trying to get a leg up in the arts by appearing on the shows. I think a union may not be the right vehicle to prevent bad treatment of the contestants on those shows,

It’s not so much that the internet has made people so much dumber (although it has), it’s that economic opportunities no longer favor the marginally skilled the way that it once did. All the tales of post-WWII men making a much better life for themselves than their dads and grandads are now just legends. Without

Especially since I expect the owner to declare bankruptcy to avoid actually paying the fine, backed up by the judgement including the loss of his license and ban from ever selling cars again.

It’s compounded by doctors’ reluctance to perform tubal ligations on young women, often insisting on getting sign off from a spouse if they’ll do it at all.

Well, the fact is that people buy Happy Meals a lot more often than digitized chips, so that is their lived experience.

It almost seems like Nelson is baiting Musk to step in, just to prove that he “runs things” at SpaceX. His ego demands nothing less.

No, he’s saying that he has never opened a comic book in his life.

The widespread college protests have made me think that Israel is losing an entire generation of future leaders. The students calling for divestment today are going to be moving into positions of power in 20 years, and they aren’t going to be thinking kindly of Israel.

It’s ironic, since back in the days when he was a regular on Howard Stern he would have bragged about having sex with porn stars and Playmates. Now he’s desperately denying those same actions.

It was said that Trump had just one red line when he was roasted: His wealth. They could make fun of his hair, his business failures, his kids, his infidelities and multiple wives/baby mommas, but absolutely no questioning how rich he really was. Says a lot about what is most important to him.

There was better stop time story twist in a short story I read (but can’t remember the title of). The holder of the time device, which jumps him back in time 3 minutes, finds himself on a plane that suffers a mid-air collision. Despite several attempts to get to the cockpit to warn the flight crew, he eventually finds

And if you haven’t seen Double Indemnity, why the fuck are you using it as an example of the ur-Noir film style?

Or a rap sheet?

My (very limited) experience with cops and reports of property damage or loss is that unless a human has been injured, they aren’t going to do anything more than take a report so that you can file an insurance claim. They have effectively zero interest in pursuing the parties responsible for the property damage/loss.

Off topic, but I have to comment on your post in the slide show. No matter if you think that you’re too old, learn to swim. Go to the Y, find classes at a school, but Do It! It’s not just your life on the line. Imagine how you would feel if you couldn’t save a little kid in trouble in the water. It happens, and it

I still hit the brakes and spilled by coffee

I think that your mom and her ilk are an easy audience for a Blue Bloods prequel show set in the 80s. Frank is still a beat cop on the cusp of making detective. Grandpa is the current Commissioner. All of the adult offspring are still kids. They can even have a wife for Frank who will develop a terminal disease.

My wife doesn’t like dramas(except Tracker)

It’s not just saving money, either. Using a vehicle until it’s truly worn out means less impact on the environment. It’s takes a lot of energy to extract materials, ship them around the world, and assemble them into a new vehicle. Avoiding the demand for new vehicles is a huge plus for the planet.

If the showcase happens, it’ll be a car operated by remote control