
It just seems incredibly sad to me to have this sort of sensational re-use be your creative output. If you can’t create a compelling story without appropriating iconic characters purely for the sake of shock, maybe you should try your hand at something else.

1998's A Man In Full, is similar to his barnburner of a debut, 1987's The Bonfire Of The Vanities

As I said, I don’t think that his SNL hosting job was some major tipping point, but I do think that it moved the needle for him. Those appearances on entertainment shows helped him out in terms of affability. And I think that Michaels has to answer for that, in the same sense that Fallon has to answer for his

It didn’t solidify it, it modified it, helping to make him seem more relatable. And that goes a long way with an electorate that seems to want candidates that they can “have a beer with”. Like that’s a useful measure of whether someone is suitable to be President. In his years on The Apprentice he carefully crafted

And Cruz was exaggerating, at that.

Given the general shrinkage that seems to happen to guys as they get older, unless he was wearing a new suit instead of one the suits he already had, it probably was an oversized suit.

I certainly hope so. Those people have a very valuable range of experience building out a charging network. We really need that experience being put to work by someone if Tesla isn’t going to use it.

Appearing on a well-known and respected show like SNL made Trump seem more approachable, like he wasn’t just an ivory tower “billionaire”. That was the persona he crafted while doing The Apprentice. Doing a pure entertainment show demonstrated that he was more of a “regular guy”, willing to take and make a joke. Of

When this news came out, I immediately thought that since most other automakers are signing onto NACS, and Tesla has cut deals to allow those other makes to access the Supercharger network, it makes sense that Musk would have Tesla step back from building out the network. They can let others devote resources to

Yes, SNL incrementally assisted in the election of Trump. It was hardly the tipping point, but it did contribute to the image of Trump as some sort of person that was acceptable as a leader. Something that we now know to be untrue.

A lot of what I’ve seen about non-Supercharger systems comes from Jalopnik, some of it reporting done by third parties and some of it anecdotal user experiences. The difference between your home charger and systems in the wild is that yours has no need to collect payment, and it only has to work with your vehicle.

The value of the Supercharger system is in the software. From the reports I see, it just works, the way that you would expect a gas pump to work. Hook up the connector and hit Go. Other charger systems are prone to failures at every juncture. And the Superchargers themselves seem to be more robust, where others break

The problem isn’t crossing the double yellow. It’s the fact that the robo-cab continued in the wrong lane for multiple blocks. Crossing the yellow is an emergency maneuver that should be undone ASAP. The robo-cab did not do that.

The standard is open. Tesla made the specs available for free use years ago. The new development is that other automakers are cutting deals with Tesla to allow non-Tesla vehicles to use the network via the NACS connection.

Eh, just like he brags that not paying income tax makes him smart, he would probably get away by claiming that shorting the stock shows what a genius he is. His dedicated followers aren’t put off by him taking highly classified documents and storing them in a bathroom. They wouldn’t be put off by him shorting the

I’m pretty sure that it would be worthy of a civil suit, and might even be grounds for criminal action by the SEC. But it would be hard to prove anything if enough levels of obfuscation were set up to hide who is behind the short selling.

My experience, though limited, is that there is an inverse relationship between an individual’s desire to be naked and anyone else’s interest in seeing them naked.

And yet last week we had the story here about the cops handling a wayward loaner vehicle by following the driver and holding him at gun point since they had been told the car was stolen. I guess the difference is that it was a dealership that wanted the car back. So a connected businessman, not just an ordinary

I worked with a guy who went through layoffs at a previous job. They knew something was coming, so when they were called to a meeting late Friday they all figured the axe was falling. Comparing notes, however, they figured out that there were 2 simultaneous meetings in different conference rooms, but they could not ded

Triumph the Comic Insult dog doing the dubbing into English or GTFO.