
Is there any way that local municipalities can add local taxes to the short-term rentals? That would discourage STRs at the same time as raising some revenue to help with homelessness.

While the bridge wasn’t designed to take that sort of hit, I’m wondering why barriers/dolphins haven’t been added around the supports? The Sunshine Skyway bridge was brought down in 1980 by the same kind of thing. The lack of protection around the supports of any bridge in a major shipping passage is a disaster

Digital World Acquisition Corp is the SPAC. Jeff Yass is a billionaire with a huge stake in it.

It seems like these avant garde performance art style comedians always take things way too far in the name of comedy

Clearly it’s going to take the insurance companies jacking up premiums to get the railroad’s attention. I also think that the Feds need to be considering how to make Amazon/eBay/Facebook more responsible for stolen goods sold on their platforms. That’s where goods stolen by train thieves and shoplifters are going, and

Elizabeth, don’t look down at that Chocolate Éclair cake. It was a long time favorite in my family, including my mom who baked her own pies completely from scratch. Once it has time to set, it really is a delicious dessert. My only hesitation is the chocolate icing recipe. We haven’t had the cake for years because our

Yes, salad dressing as a marinade is a great hack/timesaver. It contains all of the elements of a good marinade (oil, acid, spice) conveniently available in a bottle. You could argue about proportions or flavors, but salad dressing fits the bill for a marinade.

Few things have ever been made better by making them taller

Nah, in another 30 years they can move Ortega to the mom position, with Ryder the grandmother. I mean, Catherine O’Hara can’t live forever.

This is aimed squarely at 40year olds

Those are the only 2 plastics accepted by my disposal company (owned by Waste Management). I’m pretty sure that they do recycle metals, especially ferrous and aluminum since they have market value. They take glass, but I wonder how much of that gets recycled.

The Gizmodo piece that I saw explained that the Flipper was only a small part of getting access to a Tesla. It was the starting point for a Man in the Middle attack, and required a separate bogus Tesla website to work. Also, the fault really lay with Tesla’s inadequate security that allowed the reprogramming of an

I’m also an Old. The Star Wars blaster made me think of the realistic looking toy guns we had. I understand why they are both problematic and hazardous to kids now, but we would spend all day acting out movies and TV shows with ours.

I’m imagining that once Harley Davidson starts making hogs for the H-D faithful that they, too, will have to add noisemakers. Some sort of electronic version of baseball cards in the spokes of your Schwinn.

I had trouble catching much of anything from his ranting beyond the idea that NY was shooting itself in the foot by pursuing fraud charges against business interests, claiming that such cases would deter anyone from wanting to do business there. He had no real answer that I heard for the question of why the fraud

My great hope was for a future of traffic with greatly reduced noise, making urban life more pleasant. But, no, the assholes who buy expensive vehicles need noise so that we’ll all look at them and be impressed?

And I also just saw him on CNN loudly declaring that heavily fining the Trump organization for a decade of fraud was a catastrophic mistake for NY, which would lead to businesses fleeing the city and state. In fact, not just loudly but practically yelling over the show’s host and refusing to shut up. So, yeah, someone

While I’ll accept that no mice got to your pizza stash, mice could certainly climb a luggage rack to get to food. I’ve pulled into my garage to see mice scurrying up the vertical studs to get to safety.

While I’ll accept that no mice got to your pizza stash, mice could certainly climb a luggage rack to get to food. I’ve pulled into my garage to see mice scurrying up the vertical studs to get to safety.

They’re not rare enough to be in Tucker territory. Maybe they’ll wind up in DeLorean territory, cars that have an interesting story around the head of the company. Kaiser was a pretty interesting guy, too, but those cars have mostly sunk into obscurity, so that’s probably where most Fisker models will wind up.