
I often see Bentleys here in the south suburbs of Chicago, but I’m very sure that nearly all of the drivers lease them, not own them.

This also makes the earlier statements about remote work seem incredibly self-serving. They promote remote work in order to sell more computer equipment to other companies, but they can’t see how to make it work for themselves.

mid-morning snacks that are often taken with a second or third espresso

Would I be crass to state that this is poor journalism

As far as motivations for suicide go, one more could be a final Fuck You to Boeing. If during the depositions he can sense that his case is not going as well as hoped, coupled with your other points, I could see someone’s mind going to an effort to make Boeing look guilty of murder. That wouldn’t possibly be the major

Interrupting someone’s play—that is not even about climate change?—to protest climate change...that doesn’t make sense

Dear God, how do you not have sores in your mouth from that much acid?

I just took a look at the Omsom website. While the sodium is not healthy, I see a lot worse things on store shelves. For example, the coconut lemongrass version has 360 mg per serving. The other are higher, but most canned soups are worse. As an occasional meal, these aren’t too bad.

I’ve been tent camping where I’ve had to evacuate to a physical structure due to tornado threat. In fairness. being in my car wouldn’t have been totally safe either. I’ve also been in situations where torrential rain totally flooded the site, getting everything in the tent soaked. But a car tent doesn’t seem like much

That would not accomplish anything. Auto makers have done that sort of thing, and the minions make sure that the cars they get are gone over with a fine tooth comb to ensure that everything is just right. The same thing would happen with the planes. Making execs fly commercial would help some, but it doesn’t make

So the salesman will go talk to his manager, come back 20 minutes later and offer one year free. If the buyer still balks or walks, the salesman will wander off for another 30 minutes and come back with a final offer of 3 years free. The buyer will take it without knowing that the deal is non-transferable, and the

Anthony Weiner.

Wut? Typewriters? I assume that you’re referencing freedom of speech/press, and not religion, assembly, or petitioning the government, but I have no idea how typewriters relate to guns here. Citizens and the press have incredible options in this Internet era to freely communicate without government interference.

It probably wouldn’t help with insurance. They’ll just take the lack of driving data as the reason to default you into the highest risk category, justifying it based on their inability to judge on actual data.

why in the parking lot?

The Duke-NUS team plans to develop their neutered virus as both a Zika vaccine and cancer treatment

It’s never a good sign when it’s necessary to hand out a cheat sheet to the audience in order to keep up with the film.

I’m finding one of the weirder things about him is his incessant use of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in virtually every posting and speech. It’s become a sort of tic, his version of Tourette’s.

There is a movement to get states to split their electoral votes based on the popular vote. The problem is that few states are willing to do it unilaterally, fearing that it would make them less relevant in presidential elections. Some states have agreed to move to a split once enough other states agree to the same