
Barring any bad behavior while incarcerated, I don’t see why reason why such a prisoner shouldn’t have first crack at any openings. I think that it’s necessary to avoid companies using prisoners as disposable cogs in the machine. Many years ago I saw a 60 Minutes piece about AZ women prisoners being used to answer

Well, it’s out of McConnell’s hands now. He changed the rules to eliminate a cloture vote of SC nominees, so as the Senate stands now, Harris could cast a tie-breaking vote. If Biden chose a candidate well, there might even be a couple of Republican yes votes. Romney, for example, since he’s not running again. 

Ah, I thought you were making a joke about its appearance. It was a truly useless tomato, hard and flavorless. I can’t imagine anyone growing it on purpose.

May we suggest launching Snack Wraps sometime this week?

Unless Sinema or Manchin pulled their support, McConnell made it a given that Biden would get a nominee confirmed. The problem is that a single seat isn’t enough.

That is, in fact, a very Superb Owl.

We’d see the demand for these vehicles drop significantly

However, I’m sure that big tech companies are burying text in their Terms of Use that places the burden on users to validate the output of LLM AI systems once it gets trained for the specific task.

Our problem is that GIGO has come to mean Garbage In, Gospel Out. People have come to believe that what the computer says and does must be right.

Those are tomatoes, very firm even when left on the vine past this point. Firmer than Romas, even. They were very sweet, but that’s about all they were. I tried different ways to use them, including cooking them down, but never found anything desirable.

An intermission would certainly help concession sales, but as long as top directors like Scorsese insist that their films must be viewed exactly as edited, there can be no breaks in the screenings. If David Lean can figure out where to put a break into Lawrence of Arabia, Marty should be able to as well.

It wasn’t what my brother thought he had started from seed, but a plant he gave me yielded these last summer:

More importantly, any prisoner that works for an outside company should be guaranteed a comparable job with that company once the sentence is served. If that worker is good enough when incarcerated, he’s good enough to hire as a free man.

[Barry White has entered the chat]

To be fair, 72* is still a bit chilly. That’s barely into shorts territory.

I’m starting to think that his presidential library will be little more than exhibits of the hundreds of Trump branded products that have existed. With the opportunity to buy many of them.

People like him should be forgotten

West suburb of Chicago has an entire community of attached buildings dedicated to car culture. The units have large garages on the ground floor with a luxe condo above, all for people to lavish attention on their car passion and to show off their toys.

With the assortment of PTO tools available, I have to believe that there are many farmers there in KS who would hire you for tasks they can’t handle.

All in all, the tale goes to show big companies that mistakes like “my chatbot did it, not me” won’t fly in court.