
I would also point out that getting food delivered is generally a fail for anyone that can possibly pick it up themselves. I know that’s not possible for people who can’t drive themselves, and for people with kids that can’t be left alone and/or are difficult to pack up for the trip to the restaurant. But for anyone

Maybe here:

I wonder if they are getting a discounted or subsidized rate per KWH? That would add some more margin to the bottom line.

Monetarily that makes sense, but I suspect that Apple prefers to not set that precedent, instead desiring to squash anyone impudent enough to question their technological prowess.

Especially since the film is produced for a streaming service, where, unlike movie theatres, the run time is not a major issue.

And yet many of those people blame Biden and Mayor Pete for everything troubling them.

I live near where this happened, and I don’t doubt that driving under the influence of something was involved in the crash. The sad thing is that no one was looking for him after a day or two missing.

seeing an adult in winter on a bike in SoCal is normal but seeing one in the midwest means DUI and their license was suspended

While a bone-in ham like a Serrano is risky, a spiral sliced ham works great.

While your observation is correct, I love the fact that it’s still possible for alternative cultures to appropriate traditions and subvert them to their own ends. I recently heard about an urban square dancing group that, in order to be more inclusive, switched up the calling to be gender neutral. Take that, Henry! 

Malcolm Bricklin, who
Brought Subaru to the US in the ‘60s with the 360...
Created his own sports car in the 1970s - the SV1
And brought Yugo to the US in the 1980s

Really, it’s not like a Ponzi scheme where you can use some of the money coming in to keep older suckers at bay.

I believe that the daily commute has a lot to do with this. Enough people were able to eliminate or reduce driving into a workplace that those miles dropped off of the chart. And a corollary to that is by having more free time due to not commuting, more of those other trips could be combined into a single trip.

“What’re ya in fer?”

The key is to use mostly white lights. Those can stay up past Christmas, even post-New Year, per the authorities (my wife). Colored lights, while festive, should be isolated enough that they can be put away independent of the white lights. The same thing for anything oppressively red, Santa/reindeer themed, or clearly

I still worry about nuclear war, but it’s not foremost anymore. Nukes are difficult at best, so the possible actors are limited. Higher up on the list anymore is the possibility that someone will use CRISPR technology to create something really awful and contagious. That is much more available to the kinds of actors

I still worry about nuclear war, but it’s not foremost anymore. Nukes are difficult at best, so the possible actors are limited. Higher up on the list anymore is the possibility that someone will use CRISPR technology to create something really awful and contagious. That is much more available to the kinds of actors

Either way, this dude has some explaining to do

I wondered whether the craftsman of that tray adhered to the Muslim tradition of purposely inserting an error into the execution, since only Allah is perfect, and attempting perfection is blasphemous. Perhaps cutting off the design fulfills that goal?

absolutely zero grim-dark vibes