
1990 audiences just didn’t care about it all that much and didn’t reflexively view better off people as insidious and inherently unsympathetic, so the movie doesn’t stop to address income inequality and apologize for the McAllisters the way the movie would if it were made today.

The Maxx wasn’t ugly, like the Cybertruck. It was mostly just boring, even though I saw faint hints of the Avanti in it. In profile, the trapezoidal greenhouse and the long hood compared to the abbreviated rear deck gave a weak comparison. It’s biggest draw, though, was that it was about the last mid-size car with a

I know that plenty of others are already dunking on you for this post, but do you seriously think that a man can’t sexually harass or assault another man? Someone with a mindset to use their power over someone else for sexual gratification doesn’t limit themselves to the opposite gender.

I’m thinking that there’s a huge market opportunity here. If the Grenadier can have a Toot button, why shouldn’t cars have a Whistle button, maybe even with multiple levels of appreciation from Go, Daddy to Wolf. And how about a Raspberry button for asshat drivers that can’t figure out how to use turn signals?

are a LOT more parents driving their kids to school, like by a massive amount?

For what it’s worth, my wife, her sister and niece all drove Maxxs and liked the syling.

That’s the big problem with these things, there’s no proper place to operate them. They’re unsafe on either streets or sidewalks.

The concept would work much better if users had to return them to a dock, but that would obviate one the biggest attractions to them.

This is great!. The only thing better would be to figure out how to make the ornament hanger removable so that you could run the cars down the track around the tree.

We’ve got to see at least one of them sooner or later

Or yet another set of characters from Transformers

It’s not the food that old men are obsessed with, it’s the comradery. When I see them, it’s usually at a table with 3-6 other old guys, just shooting the shit and drinking their bottomless (awful) coffee.

Not just tire pollution and road damage. There have been multiple parking garage collapses as a result of increased vehicle weight. Older structures were designed for an average vehicle weight that is being exceeded.

One simple step in researching a dealer is to use Google Maps to inspect their location. From the overhead view, does it look orderly? Are there vehicles like the one you’re shopping for on the lot? Does the area around the dealer look solid, or is it a shabby industrial park? Then go to street view. Does the showroom

IDK, while the Google Play Store was far from perfect, I would bet that the alternative stores are going to rife with malware.

Yeah, blame the plug-in instead of that fact nobody here proof-reads anything before publishing.

Yeah, unilaterally knocking out other country’s space objects wouldn’t lead to any of our stuff getting knocked out. What could go wrong?

PlayStation’s Insomniac Games was hacked and lost 1.67 terabytes of data, including the passports of its employees

Start with not having careers, leading to living at home, and add in limited income and student loans payments. That explains no drinking and drugs, which has a real impact on having sex.

Many great films of the past included intermissions when the movie length stretched past 2 hours. Somehow the directors of those great films found it possible to allow a break for an intermission in those films. If David Lean can find an appropriate place to pause Lawrence of Arabia, Scorsese should be able to figure