
That was Siskel/Ebert’s point, Thunder was absolutely formulaic by that time in Cruise’s career.

“So are you, like, the last Member?”

FYI, there some posts in this comment section where you haven’t yet made it clear that you will only patronize restaurants that will cook food just the way you want it. You’d better get a move on and reply to those posts as well, just to be sure.

I thought that his hustler in The Color of Money switched up the persona some, and his performance in Rainman added some nuance, but one of his best change ups from the standard Cruise character was his hitman in Collateral.

Not to mention whatever the hell is going on with that sunroof. It looks like someone just kept using tube after tube of silicone caulk trying to fix a leak. That ain’t gonna be easy to correct now.

I remember either Siskel or Ebert describing it as the perfect Tom Cruise movie, sort of the platonic ideal. All of the story beats are there in exactly the right order: Cocky young hero that has a crisis of confidence after the tragic loss of a friend, but overcomes with the help of the right woman (who he meets in

Good judgement comes from experience.

One possible answer to the false positive situation would be to change the vehicle behavior in the event of a positive. Instead of preventing the vehicle from starting, trigger a visual and audio notice, like flashing lights in a special pattern and generating a low warble. Maybe even limit vehicle speed. The signals

I’m not aware of other specific accusations, but the papers thing is the sort of thing that flows along with a lot of acrimony between the couple. And that sort of ill will is certain to color the film that she makes about a bad relationship.

If there is a Freddy’s near you, give them a try. I won’t bother with fast food, but they do a good smash burger. I really like the patty melt.

It’s the novelty factor. That will wear off, just as it has done in a lot of US locations. At which point those big expansion plans are going to look bad.

Isn’t there a capability to train your voice-to-text app? It seems like training it for your wife’s name would be a good use of one’s time.

Can I get an Egg McFlurry?

It should also be possible to review mileage numbers on the service records provided. If there are no service records provided, that tells you everything you need to know as well.

My neighbors’ young adult sons and their friends regularly spark up in the screen porch, and the wafting smoke can be really pungent. I just laugh, though, remembering my own paranoid efforts to disguise the odor back in the day.

I’m more interested in the final swiss cheese hole that didn’t line up, i.e. customs, where he didn’t have the necessary planned exit. As you note, everything else must have set up, so what went wrong at the end?

Nah, while the Bus is historically the best vehicle, any Bus that hasn’t already turned into a rusty home for rodents has become too valuable for this purpose.

There are times, while waiting at a stoplight, that I wonder whether I ran over a skunk on that last block.

Nutty religeous wingnuts and oil money are never a good combination

The point is that Brownell is using Tesla’s market capitalization to say that Tesla is some gigantic company