
It does make a certain kind of sense for another definition of resigned:

So there’s part of the problem. People without your level of knowledge are going to see 2 or 3 bolts and quickly come to the conclusion that since 3 > 2, the charger with 3 bolts is better.

A better answer would be to require Dish to fix the problem that they caused. That is, they need to purpose build and launch a satellite designed to reach EchoStar-7 and push it down to the orbit that the license specified. That fixes the problem and puts an appropriate financial burden on companies that put up

Yes, GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out. The problem is that our reliance on computers have change the meaning to Garbage In, Gospel Out.

Plain Cheerios (I go generic) and Grape Nuts are my go-to’s. Those have very little added sugar. Add some banana/blueberries/raisins and it’s an easy yet healthy meal.

when are governments going to step up and make AI impersonation illegal?

As long as the rights to a person’s likeness is held by an estate, I believe that it’s required to get permission to use the likeness. Of course, that leaves Franklin open for abuse, but at least modern figures are protected. I know that the Elvis estate controls his like ness tightly.

While the downside of a broken relationship is definitely trouble for the NFL, I’m thinking that what is worse is the temporary surge of interest by Taylor fans who will walk away in an instant once she’s no longer connected to the NFL. This has happened repeatedly to clothing manufacturers that have a huge surge in

Kelce would be a strange pick for what is known as a beard, i.e. someone to provide cover for a person’s homosexuality. Usually a beard is a lower profile person, and sometimes not even fully aware of their role. It’s uncommon for a beard to someone who could have their choice of desirable partners.

I agree that a proper ratio requires that at least a spoonful of milk remains after the last cereal is eaten. I don’t go for sugared cereals anymore, so that last bit of milk has not been particularly enhanced, but cereal without any milk left is just sadness. I don’t need to add sadness to my day, especially in the

My wife and I have cereal for breakfast at least a couple of times a week. If you buy smart, cereal is a reasonable option, providing fiber and protein. But you have to watch the added sugars, and it helps to add fruit to provide some things that grains can’t. Cereal is certainly a better breakfast than fast food

And what kind of fool can’t figure out the proper cereal to milk ratio after a couple of tries? Why do you continue to pour in too much milk?

Dream Girls Detroit waives cover since the dancers have already waived their covers.

  • Bobby: OK, I’ll make it as easy for you as I can. I’d like an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce, and a cup of coffee.

I remember a time, 10 or more years ago, when he and E.J. Dionne did a regular Friday afternoon politics discussion piece on NPR. At the time, I thought that he was a reasonable conservative voice for the discussion. But I also recall that he was dismissed by some on the right as basically a RINO, so maybe he’s

Anyone (or anything) standing on train tracks should expect to get hit.

I can’t say without knowing more about the mom, but it’s possible that they would have preferred to being charged and held instead of what their mom was going to do to them.

I’m already down enough on Amazon deliveries that I could just go back to bundling orders to hit the free delivery threshold.

Yes, it’s a publicist’s dream, but why do the celebs go along with it? For some of them, it’s literal torture. There are so many other, easier places for promoting your work. Why do people like Timberlake or Jennifer Lawrence, both of whom in excerpts look genuinely pained and miserable, agree to do the show? Are they

I’m hoping that he’s less competent and drives the company into the ground.