
No, I did not, but that doesn’t change the fact that we celebrate excessive consumption on this level.

Seeing the word Chocolatey in a product name or description is a total red flag for me.

Major League Eating

Men are every bit as emotional as women. We just won’t admit it, and we definitely won’t show it.

Not to mention penis size.

The problem of running into the path of danger is confusing. I’ve read that they get confused by the shadows cast by headlights. They instinctively fear dark, moving objects, i.e. wolves, and the moving shadows might be interpreted as a predator. Since that shadow is behind them, they bolt the wrong way, into the path

A catch phrase in the SAC is “This isn’t your father’s SAC, but it may be your father’s B-52.”

You don’t have to beat out the nuance if was never there to begin with. At best, a more 3-dimensional view will be taught in AP History and at the college level. And if the GOP gets its way, it won’t even be taught there. The tiniest bit of alternative narrative that does exist for the average student is currently

Hopefully, she’ll be back on her feet quickly.

The UAW big ask is a negotiating strategy. They know they won’t get it all, but they need to place the flag far from the current position in order to get a part of it.

I’m sure that insurance companies would be very happy to have all of the info the car collects about what you do and when you do it.

A lot of data can be retrieved from your phone if you pair it to the info system in the car.

How do you think that material makes it to the internet? Somebody had to record it.

The problem is that they’ve evolved over millennia to judge predator speed, and only flee once they know that the predator is close enough to be a danger. They can’t waste energy fleeing unnecessarily. They haven’t had nearly enough time to evolve the instinctual understanding that moving vehicles are orders of

Another answer is to allow the sale of hunted venison. I believe it was New Zealand that opened up that option to help with over-population. As it is now in the US, venison can only be donated to food banks, but I bet that if it could be on the menu, it would be eaten at plenty of midwestern restaurants. Once there is

Yes, that’s how it works at Jewel. I either wait until I’ve called over the attendant, scan booze last, or better yet, just go to a manned checkout line. Of course, that last option runs the risk that the cashier in under 21.

I was using pennies on the dollar as a way to express how little of the proceeds from a successful show accrue to the writers and actors, with the exception of the tiny few at the top of their fields. Not all shows are hit big, but those that do, and run endlessly in syndication, make a lot of money. Enough of those

Are there too many actors and writers? Most certainly, that’s the nature of all the arts. There are always more people that want their chosen artistic endeavor to provide a living than society will utilize.  That doesn’t mean that when producers need those artists to create content that the producers can sell that

I wasn’t trying to dis you. I just think that it’s worth reminding everyone that wind, hydro, and even fossil fuel power is all coming from the same source as those panels on roofs. Solar energy captured by plants and stored underground is no different, just very convenient for it to be concentrated and portable. We

that was not just fraud like a US court would convict them of, but murder