
Fun fact: All but #’s 2 and 5 above are forms of solar energy.

Oddly enough, I now only wear a watch when I’m on vacation. My daily life has me sitting in front a screen that constantly displays time, and my home is full of devices that display time as well. It’s only when I’m not in my usual environment that I find a watch helpful.

most products aren’t infinitely reusable

I would totally avoid movie snacks as well, but my wife simply can’t enjoy a movie theatre without some popcorn and candy. Fortunately, she’s as frugal as I am, and is willing to pack up and carry the “Movie Purse” when we do go to a theatre. But those prices do impact a lot of other people.

I’m wondering whether or not the Margaritaville brand can survive without him now. The bars and resorts are nothing special without being wrapped in the Buffett mystique, and as fewer new fans are created by attending his shows, I have to think that the attraction will fade. I enjoyed his music, but never thought that

Even so, limited supply will only benefit dealers unless the Big 3 can make those dealers pay more for those high margin vehicles. And those vehicles will only be affordable to wealthier buyers, so people without plenty of cash or credit will have to turn to foreign manufacturers for something they can afford. That’s

I’d prefer that the excise the actual CPAC conference.

I attribute higher gross profit to those higher margin products that they shifted to given the chip shortage. A strike will throw a wrench into all production, though. Unless they can charge dealers more for the cars that can still be delivered, dealers are the only ones that will benefit from strike-restricted supply.

Exactly. Neither Amazon nor the customer have sufficient skin in the game when making deliveries becomes risky. Situations like this always make me think of the Taggart Tunnel story line in Atlas Shrugged. Everyone just demands that the task at hand be completed, without specifying how, and maintaining plausible

I live in tornado territory, and it’s not always practical to hunker down every time that there’s a tornado risk. I don’t why this lady was on the road in the midst of that bad weather, or how close to the worst of it she was, but at least she had a solid vehicle and (presumably) was buckled up. That’s more than a lot

Fortunately I can usually watch a movie at home with very few distractions that I can’t ignore. I do still like to see big scale films in a theatre, but I struggle with the ever increasing length of films. I went to see the latest Mission Impossible film in a theatre, but I just can’t deal with a 2+ hour film with no

the manufactures saw just how much more profit they can make when the supply gets limited

$50K so that most people (other than car buffs) will think that you’re driving a Mitsubishi Starion?

The safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, and partners Amazon profits is always our top priority

Also a reminder to ALWAYS wear your seat belt, and a reminder that the enhancements to make cars more able to withstand rollovers and impacts are worth the added expense.

$40K for the Civic and $28K for the Land Cruiser. What a world that we live in.

I was a Suits fan, at least for the first few seasons, but the Pearson show didn’t have any of the Suits mojo. It wasn’t bad, but the only thing it had in common with Suits was a single character, and not even one of the most interesting characters at that. This isn’t going to pull in any of the Suits faithful.

not every movie needs to have a multi-billion dollar price tag

Who’s going to challenge the claim that he’s still a virgin?

I’ve never driven a Porsche, but I have many hours in it’s country bumpkin cousin, the VW Beetle, vintage 1965. There’s such a connection between the car and driver due to it’s simplicity that it really is fun, right up until it’s not. Once you want some creature comforts, like heat, defroster, or quiet, the blush