
Yes, justified in a legal sense, but not so in Raylan’s heightened sense of justice. He is committed to bringing in his man, and would only shoot in the case of someone trying to shoot him first. They even added the part of the story where one DPD detective was willing to frame a drug addict for the judge’s murder,

Once upon a time I would have thought it would be beneath DeNiro, but not anymore. Carrot Top would be a lot cheaper, though. Do think that he could dial it down enough?

I agree that in the moment, Olyphant didn’t react strongly, but he did seem stunned by what had happened. Other shootings in the original series didn’t have that same kind of reaction, so I do feel that he showed that Raylan was shaken. He’s just not the kind of character to react so strongly in the moment, but it

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

It’s not just men that judge women by their youthful appearance, it’s all of Western culture. We value females for their ability to reproduce, and as a female looses the appearance of fertility, she also looses that intrinsic value to society. Males are valued for their looks as well, but get a second valuation based

Seeing Stand By Me on this list just reminds of how good of a film maker Reiner was. What the hell happened to him?

I would be excited if he did retire. It would free him up for my dream project: A reboot of the Hope/Crosby Road pictures. I want Kimmel for the Hope character, Harry Connick, Jr for the Crosby part, and Salma Hayek for the Dorothy Lamour love interest. I think they could start with Road to Las Vegas, where they wind

I liked it better than a C, but it didn’t measure up to the original series. Raylan just seems kind of tired, which brings down the energy of the show. I did find Raylan’s shooting Clement to have power since I interpret Raylan’s resigning from the Marshal Service to be directly the result of that shooting not being

Back in the late 80s, I saw this simply insane show on PBS where this woman was creating an over the top Thanksgiving meal. It showed her selecting the tableware for about 20 guests out of her extensive collection of china and linens, she described an elaborate menu, including a squash soup that would be served out of

One of my local Aldi stores has added self-check. The nice feature there is that the human cashier can see when an alcohol purchase has to be approved, and can do do without leaving their station. One of the (few) advantages to being obviously old is that I’m obviously over 21 and can get approved from across a large

Voting is like public transportation. You get on the bus that gets you closest to where you want to go. You don’t refuse to get on a bus just because it doesn’t go to your front door, and you don’t get on a broken down bus that does go to your front door.

I thought that Elon Mode would cause the vehicle to start playing bumper car on the highway, then would deny that it had done so if questioned, and would then insist that the bumper car operation was just something that all cars did back in South Africa, so it wasn’t responsible for any effects.

Can we get some decent passenger train infrastructure in the US so that we aren’t so dependent on flying?

I see another problem locally, the phenomenon of teen takeovers. The discounted ticket drew large numbers of teens to a multiplex, and large numbers of teens gathered anymore leads to trouble. Police were called, and arrests were made.

Supposedly the director did not want Reynolds for the lead, which made for a really painful and troubled shoot.

practically unlimited billing

Sounds like the story where Andy Kaufman would go onstage at a club (before he was famous), introduced as “a really nice guy who helps out around here a lot, so give him some love”. He would go into his Latka Gravas character doing awful jokes and impersonations. Just as the audience was getting riled up, he would say

Nixon had a modicum of shame

It wasn’t that Nixon had much sense of shame, it was that Republicans of the era still had genuine concern for the country and democracy. Nixon only threw in the towel once the Republican leaders told him that he had to go, something that only a tiny handful of current Republicans are willing to do. McConnel,

They may piss off Poland, but at the same time they frighten Poland. If the latter outweighs the former, they diminish the will of NATO to keep supporting Ukraine.