
You are such revolutionaries. Have a Pepsi.

Think of me as the messenger, tasked with telling you and all your devout progressive buds at Slacktivist that your Chicago Jeebus ended his earthly mission and it was an abject failure. He is gone. He has forsaken you.

No one is stalking you, princess.

I've searched out a number of Obama pod people like you on disqus who predicted Crooked Hillary in a landslide. You are not special, snowflake.

You are now basically admitting Obama made possible the authoritarian nightmare you fear but have no proof of.

Your Chicago Jeebus is about the best thing to happen to what passes for the right in the US.

Real question is - will drama queens like you be capable of four long years of constant and unhinged melodrama?

Me no like Drumpf. Him must be Hitler! Me funny!

"At this rate, his campaign will be lead by Stormfront's PR guy come October."

HillBillary is literally the best thing to happen to the so-called alt-right.

"You forgot Serena Williams who is possibly the most dominate athlete ever."

Watch more TV. Reach a deeper level.

Thinks libertarian means "white nationalist."

"This is the most apt mental image to depict dogmatic religious conservatives I've had in a long time, thank you."

Pro-wrestling - the most idiotic spectator sport in America - draws a predominantly Lefty audience.In fact, only the Women's National Basketball Association has more lefty viewers.