Xopher Wailord Barnett

You do realize the Wachowskis openly admit the original Ghost In The Shell movie was the biggest inspiration for the creation of The Matrix, right?

Please tell me you're trolling.

That's the 22nd, not the twenty-tooth.

Consider what? Did you reply to the wrong comment?

Bug, Dark, Ghost vs Psychic.

Fear of the dark, fear of insects, fear of ghosts.

You say "ALL video games" but the ad says "select video games".

Yeah just checked their site and the only PS4 game eligible for the deal is NBA 2K14.

Hail Eris!

I think that's nostalgia you're feeling. There should be no reason to let nostalgia get in the way of enjoying the new games though. I believe that's what's happening with people like the OP of this thread.

You should calm down.

I'm 32. Played Red and Blue when they first released in the US. Playing X and Y now.

Your theory is incorrect.

In addition, X and Y are superior to every iteration of Pokemon thus far. Anyone who is a "genwunner" is just being smug for the sake of being smug. An "I did it before it was cool" attitude.


This is great news. I loved these back in the 90s.

Lavos - Chrono Trigger

Tomogachi Miracle Friends

Best comment.

There are FF7 references in the game, and a future implementation of the Golden Saucer.

Recommending your posts so people can see how much of an idiot you are.

I keep seeing your posts to him on fb lol

Tyrion, Jon Snow, and Daenerys.

The Dragon Fantasy games are an embarrassment.

you got wooshed.