Thank you all for posting here! If you don't mind me suggesting this, let's keep this discussion "classy and above reproach" to show that it *can* be done while getting our points across. Anything else merely creates ammunition to be used against us.
Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was…
LifeNews is nothing but a horde of professional trolls and has been such since its inception. I mean, conception.
Dad may not realize it, and it's probably not why he did it — but moments like these will buttress what is already a wonderful dad/daughter relationship. I wish my dad had been anything like that.
And yet conservatives can't understand why they don't appeal to a younger demographic, or women, or people of color, or...
Aren't encouraging, pro-woman dads the bestest? Like that one time my apa drove me to a hair appointment when I was 10 and he totes snarked on this one lady who was all pearl-clutchy about her own daughter getting a short haircut. Because "Ay dios mio, what will your father think!" "He shouldn't think anything, pendeja…
Ha! How creative.
"We grew up with a model, and set of assumptions, that proved untrue. During our childhoods, unemployment was low, houses gained in value, a bachelor’s degree left you prepared for a variety of employment opportunities and investing was a sound decision. Now all of those things aren’t the case. It’s our job to deal…
I find it amazingly ironic that a the group of people complaining about millenials are the same group of people who had historically minuscule higher education costs, walked from college straight into jobs not requiring free internships and were able to buy homes whose price was only 3 or 4 times their annual salaries…
I resent being labeled in the same generation of kids I'm trying to raise. Born 1982. Step-kids born 1998-early 2000's. Fucking morons, separate the generations out. My childhood was completely different than my Step-kids. They don't even know what a god damned vinyl record is. "That can play MUSIC?!" Smack my head....
I want to know who decided we should call Gen Y "Millenials", why, and when did everyone start doing so? Doesn't that word seem like a more natural title for the generation born after the new Millennium? Especially since Gen Y already had a common name for a number of years.
Hi Millennials, I know that it isn't all of your or even a majority, but you all have got to stop blaming Generation X for your economic problem. Remember, we were downwardly mobile first and have benefitted little from the economic boon times. On the other hand, we inherited the high debt (student loan interest was…
Do we really love to dump on Millennials/Gen-Y? I feel sorry as hell for those poor bastards: saddled with massive student debt (an apalling problem in the US, but increasingly so elsewhere too); trying to start careers in the midst of an economic nightmare; expected to do 3-6 month "internships" as some kind of rite…
I wrote the following after reading one of these hand wringing pieces about my generation on NPR that frustrated the hell out of me. It's self indulgent and angry and kinda clumsy, yea, but if you can't write like this in your twenties, when can you?
Missing: We're not all white, either!
Preach! I have enough problems without everyone 10 years or so older than myself telling me that i'm a lazy, narcissistic, entitled little piece of shit. Like sit the fuck down and go back to your mid-life crisis.
I sort of disagree with the characterization that a twenty-something who studied humanities and doesn't have a job made a stupid mistake. I appreciate the defense, but I was just never going to make it as en engineer. The purpose of an undergrad program doesn't have to be to get a job. Learning can be intrinsically…
I'm a 32DDD and I shop at Nordstrom's. They have sales from time to time, but frankly I just don't have a problem anymore with paying more if the bra fits properly. Even if it's not in stock, the employees will order anything for you and have it shipped to your home at no extra charge. Online-wise, you might also try…
My strategy: wash your bras in the shower. It's easy to keep up with keeping them clean (when you shower, just wash the one you were wearing), you're delicately hand-washing them to minimize wear without having to set aside special hand-washing time, and you can just hang them to dry over the shower head when you're…