That person in gif is Korean and i don't think that US can laugh at any country seeing what is going on in Ferguson, Eric Garner case, CIA release etc.
That person in gif is Korean and i don't think that US can laugh at any country seeing what is going on in Ferguson, Eric Garner case, CIA release etc.
I wouldn't say i love the first amendment because people always use that as a excuse to be a racist asshole.
No that is Tories for you, most people in the UK do not support it. Also that porn ban that David Cameron tried to push through has failed because he does not know how the internet works.
Also Lib Dem MP Julian Huppert has tabled an Early Day Motion in order to ensure that the topic is debated in the House of Commons, so this backwards porn law is probably going to be struck down. The backlash against this law has been amazing.
I didn't make the caption, also anyone who read the article would know that he was not caught this year when he was promoting the most recent transformers movie.
Nope you are wrong and go and read the article, this is a classic example of white privilege and you have to be in denial if you do not see it.
Yep this exactly what this bbc article talks about, this is a white privilege pardon.
No they caught him shortly after he committed the crime (he was sober by then but still a racist asshole), that is just a recent photo of him.
Yep i read a great quote in a recent bbc article about Mark and white privilege, he is only doing this so he can get a liquor licence or a some rumors have speculated to become a cop.
Well he has never apologized to his victims.
He probably was paid because the timing is very odd, he has never spoken to press before and just as Marky wants to be pardon so he can get a liquor licence for restaurant he appears.
This is so disgusting, here in the UK the discrimination law really did help when i was being discriminated against due to my race at work. It is nearly 2015 and law against discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations should be a law nationwide. In 29 States you can be fired for being gay and in…
people say they have the best in the world, but that's simply not true if you're a woman.
I went to both and i cried when i saw a little child hold up a sign saying black lives matter, also there was a great speech at one of the protests about white privilege and it great to see so many white people finally understanding what it means (well it took you guys long enough).
It has reached the UK and other countries. The most recent protest was for Eric Garner, there was a protest for Mike Brown a while back (around 5,000 + people came out in London).
Cheney also can not travel to certain European countries because he is afraid that something could happen to him.
This is what seperated us from the English and the Europeans in the late 1700s this is what made us that people once aspired to emulate.
In the UK most people do know that blackface is offensive, so those idiots need to stop and maybe you need to get new friends . Mind you i see blackface at American halloween parties all the time, but i do not think that they care.