I've always preferred the plural "vaginæ."
I've always preferred the plural "vaginæ."
Well, the biggest difference is that overuse of drugs and alcohol can have serious health risks, while gay sexuality doesn't. Encouraging moderation in substance use has a legitimate public health purpose, while encouraging people to only have straight sex doesn't.
And Rick Perry is an subject matter expert here.
For wealthy, white cis gay males, the Republican platform is beneficial in every way but the homophobia. Most likely they live in a blue state with marriage equality already, but if they don't, the inability to file taxes with their spouse isn't a huge financial burden (if they're even paying any taxes). They have no…
Remember when Facebook comments on websites were supposed to make comments-section discourse more civil because real names were attached? Heh.
For what it's worth, they seem to be legitimately ignorant rather than hateful, even asking commenters how they should refer to him "to make sure [they're] respectful." But all they had to do was Google "transgender" and they could've found explainers from the APA, GLAAD, and NCTE on the first page... ignorance really…
Upper-class, cis gay men probably have the least to lose by living in Virginia, which has few protections for LGBs and virtually none for Ts, in addition to no marriage equality. (Having to file taxes separately isn't as big of a deal when you've got cash to burn.)
Oh, I remember seeing that Index and thinking it was bizarre that they didn't count D.C. While D.C. is unique in getting to control many policies that are normally set at the state level, in most respects, especially demographically, it's clearly a city, not a state, being 100% urban. (Which is also why I roll my eyes…
Seconded. D.C. has a huge LGBT population, was way out front when it came to LGB issues (it helps that the city handles laws like marriage that are normally state-level), and is now leading the way on T issues as well. (I'm not sure any other state has a single-occupancy-bathrooms-must-be-unisex law like D.C's, and…
The Religious Right pretty much are grown-up bullies, so their resistance to anti-bullying policies isn't all that surprising.
The correlation seems so overwhelming to me (in my personal, totally non-scientific opinion) that I'm convinced it can't just be coincidence. But I have no idea what the causal relation is. Do both gender dysphoria and autism have a similar etiology? Is awkwardness in interactions with one's birth sex mistaken for…
I actually think it's hard to tell if his subjects were trans women or not, thanks to his 1980s-era thinking. He seems to assert that "real" trans women are attracted to men, much like the medical gatekeepers of the time did. It'd be interesting to see how these folks would describe their narratives in 2014.
Mature and nuanced? Not really, no; it's actually just another example of the "transier-than-thou" infighting that they claim to denounce. They respond to what they perceive as attacks on Addams by Molloy for her connections to the drag community... by berating Molloy for being a recent transitioner and a lesbian.…
His notorious joke that "the difference between a drag queen and a transsexual [is] about twenty-five thousand dollars and a good surgeon" suggests that he does. He just doesn't seem to acknowledge that there's a whole category of trans experience that's discrete from the gay/drag experience. The world of drag is an…
Even though Molloy can be hotheaded to a degree that's unfortunately counterproductive (though I think her heart is in the right place, and I've been just as zealous in the past), I found Addams's and (especially) her friend Andrea James's responses to Molloy far more vitriolic and poisonous than anything Molloy…
Less than three months after I sprung for SRS. Perfect timing, science... 😔
Well, I guess I'm on the right side of that split, at 25. Perhaps it's not as bad as I've feared.
That's nice that they're explicitly trans-inclusive. I've personally always hesitated to use online dating because I'm afraid most lesbians might be repulsed by a non-womyn-born womyn, even post-op... are my fears grounded in reality?