Plankton - Maybach in the streets, AMG in the sheets.

Yeh, already miss the old 24 Hours logo:

To be honest, this doesn’t scare me at all. It’s not like they invented this with the intention of killing people. It’s an old line, but guns don’t kill people, people do. You can’t fault an invention for the deaths it’s wielder caused. People kill other people with cars, and we blame the driver, not the car for being

Japan did get 2 nukes awhile ago...

I’ll watch that shit show.

They should use another track in addition to the ring. If they win both, they would hold the coveted ‘two roads, one cup’

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

“featuring the fastest purpose-built race cars that compete in a North American championship”

So.... should I resubmit my order or.....

dont forget that it doesnt take into account swerving into oncomming traffic at all...

Here’s a typical stretch of the A11. Not really suitable for bouncing off the speed-limiter, is it?

But really Top Gear has been in Simpsons for years.

Actually most of the UK buses do use LED screens - This is more of a London-Centric tradition.

Remember how we had pin and chip back in 2005, yet 11 years later USA is getting it’s knickers in a twist over it!

It’s perfectly legal to pass on a bicycle when you have clearance, and it’s customary to stay right to allow motorists the most room possible in the lane. The same thing applies at stop lights.

In Takata reality, an airbag is like jumping off a 10 story building and landing in NAM and you walk straight into your own claymore.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Does the FF franchise have some sort of deal with Subaru? I feel like every movie features like 5 balls to the wall insane custom cars and a bone stock STI.

Saab jets more than Saab cars, but yeah.