
@foxh8er: you might want to shut the hell up and drown your sorry ass

This paves the way for awesome Communist China Jokes.

@Silence04: Absolutely. It totally makes iChat redundant.

@Augureone: I agree with you, nothing new or revolutionary. Its just old crap packaged and presented in a better way. iLife 2011 is great but OS X Lion doesn't bring anything new, expose, appstore, mission control, full screen view.

Jailbroken Mac.. Here we come. Will be great to see cydia on Lion

yes thanks a bunch apple. If you look at it there's nothing so exciting about iTunes 10.. Just ping which is a last.fm rip off and the new logo. why iTunes 10, just cause they hit some billion downloads ??

Looks good, the producers of 2012 have spent a huge amount of money on marketing this movie. Hope it doesn't bomb like The Day After Tomorrow did. #advertising

I can almost hear the sound in my head vrrrrroommmmm. I wonder how much does this thing cost? #nissanv2gvehicle

Wow next we'll hear is a baby take a crap app coming out. The app will be able to tell you what food the baby should eat after analyzing the poo. #crytranslatoriphoneapp

yea that wallpaper looks pretty cool