
Depends on how large the rupture, 3 of the 4 I had were wait and heal on its own, one required a 7 day hospital stay and a chest tube. It created a hole in my lung about the size of a quarter.

Exercise is good for general health it wont do a hell of a lot for this. I am not saying Pro Teams should not have exercise time tons of studies show its great for gaming in many ways. But as a way to fix this while I had my 4 spontaneous pneumothorax I played baseball as well as did track. It just happens as your

This makes alot of sense to me, as someone who suffered 4 spontaneous pneumothorax through my younger life, coincidentally when I was gaming competitively (RTCW, Battlefield 1942) in the good old days. There isn’t too much you can do, doctors told me it has alot to do with how my body was growing and they in a few