
Dang, Joanna, you know fucking better than this. We’re really posting stills of a possible rape?

I’ve been reading Jezebel for more than five years. Today is the last day. Posting this image is a horrific lapse in judgment and callous enough to call into question every other piece the editors of this site choose to publish. You’re joining in the exploitation of that woman’s body for your own benefit. I will not

There are so many reasons that I have been considering leaving Jezebel and Gawker behind. Been a huge fan of this site for over two years and never wanted to believe the negative hype but... this rape image was the straw that broke the camels back. I’m sure you’ll justify it any way you want. Or you won’t even try,

My roommate does something similar every year. No matter how good or bad a year we’ve been having, she goes to a payday or title loan place on Christmas Eve and gives the first person she sees going towards the door $50 or $100 (whatever she can afford), tells them Merry Christmas, and walks away without another word.

Our family tradition at Christmas is to go out Christmas Eve for lunch at a greasy spoon, be polite to the server, and leave a $100 tip in cash. It’s kind of selfish, actually— we all get to feel super altruistic, and we race to get out before the server finds the cash and feels like they need to thank us.