
So when I listen to female singers I don’t think that they speak for all women. I don’t think it’s fair to hate this hard on a 25 year old because you don’t like where he sits in the “cultural space.” Dislike his music, fine, but judging him for not being a Rich Juzwiak approved official authentic out queer pop star

Sam Smith is a gay male singer that Rich Juziak despises because he lives a traditional, hetero-friendly gay lifestyle which is entirely unacceptable to immature militant sex orgy loving sluts like Rich Juziak who really should be writing for Queerty or Advocate. Instead, his angry, bitter gay male CIS world view is

Leave Sam alone! Kidding; didn’t read the post just noticed the title - it’s the second time in as many days that Rich has slammed the guy. What’s with the personal vendetta?

Jonathan = ForeverBae

How can that hand even belong to him?! It’s like 10 shades lighter than his Flamin’ Hot Cheeto face!

ugh. here we go, down a liberal rabbit hole of ‘holier-than-thou’ grandstanding (seeing it all over my social media already).

Except that the order also completely bars entry to those with green cards, with already-issued Visas, and even things like UK citizens with dual citizenship in the effected countries.

Yeah, too bad they never swing the camera around. Or pan out.

shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.