
Cerci can't die until Tommen does…though that could happen at any time. I want Littlefinger to die in the battle, and Ramsey of course. I bet when Jon defeats the Bolton that little Lyanna and her 63 men shame the Karstarks and Umber into making him Kung in the North.

Gee, now I almost want to watch this…before I had no interest.

I had the same thought

I haven't watched it since the first episode either. It seemed like the hosts were attempting to sound like what's his name from Talking Dead, I mean they even had all the same gimmicks and the music was very similar. It was hard to sit through so I stopped!

Exactly! I asked that back after episode 1 or 2. I'm especially curious because Kira seemed mad at Sarah because he wasn't there, like she sent him away or something.

Actually the contraction makes it two, the whole point of a contraction being to make two words (you are) into one (you're) dead….two words

I had the same thought

I remember talking about it the next day with my friends, it was freaky stuff

True, gay Donnie doesn't have to be any different than straight Donnie was the point.

Ah ok, that makes sense…so much else is happening I can't remember it all!


They never do! Though those were different times.

Oh please, he's a foul mouthed, preening, narcissistic sociopath leading a band of bullies. He might take out half the cast but even those who don't read the comics have to know he can't stay in power.

Do we know why Elizabeth is working her? It doesn't seem that the Jennings have any real friends, just people who can get them something.

I'm already so tired of Negan

Since when is Colorado a red state?

That's exactly what I did! I'll watch a second season but PLEASE cut the laugh track….if you have to tell the audience when to laugh, it's not funny.

Does anyone remember Reggie?

Me too! Thought I'd hate it but I really love that pairing

I wonder if Kelly can control his sister, I mean come on, he's part Grimm, part Hexenbiest…he's gotta have something going on.