
So what happened to Bronn? I can’t believe Jamie left King’s Landing without him. Last time we saw him he went off drinking with Pod....maybe he went north with him too?



Yea, I’d bet they’re alive and beat the Wights to Winterfell to boot!

Tyrion seemed a bit miffed that Jon and Dany were having private time. I wonder how they’re going to get Tormond to Winterfell before the Wights.

That's true, his eyes did turn blue, I'd forgotten about that.

Maybe Drogon was positioned wrong, like his leg and or wing was in the way of where the spear needed to pierce & Viserion was turning in flight and exposed the right area.

Right but where would they have gotten huge chains like that? And really, why did they need them? The King didn't need to touch all the others to raise them and even if he did need to touch Viserion, he could have just walked down and rode him out.

I really wish they'd have stuck to the normal 10 episodes per season and dialed back the effects to have had the time to tell better stories.

I could see that

I personally liked the scene in the caves where Dany essentially repeats to Jon what Jon said to Mance about pride and bending the knee. You could see the recognition in his face. He's going to learn the lesson Mance didn't and pledge to Dany.


Yea, he's got to die saving someone important

His breathing is enough

I can't wait until someone kills Littlefinger….my money's on Arya.

Just think of all the innocent people Eph will get killed trying to save his son's soul or some nonsense, turn him back or something.

I didn't know this show was still on….I'll have to get caught up!

Also, why is the house of Baratheon still showing in the opening credits on Kings Landing? She's proclaiming herself House of Lannister, first of her name, they should change the sidgil on the castle.

Well, given the amount of time they have to tell the story, do we really want them spending it explaining the supply chain?

In addition to building the ships, how did he man them? Every time they've shown the Iron Islands, there's like 30 people there. I think the wall will come down in the last episode. I'd bet it has something to do with Jon & Dany getting together. Also, I think where Jorah is is kind of like an old leper colony,