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    Looks more like a sort of "I'll show you" expression than a happy one to me.

    The Clic.

    There is a possibility that the charge is going to be changed to "causing a disaster in land communication".

    It's a miracle that the car managed to stay on its wheels. How the hell didn't it roll?

    Are they cramped though? From the time I got into one I remember being very pleasantly surprised by the amount of interior space.

    I can't understand why this GT500 ruined with ugly plastic panels has such a massive cult following. It's just embarassing. And what's even worse, this led to hundreds of perfectly good Shelbys being turned into plastic monstrosities.

    The fact that the gearbox has its manual mode set up the wrong way really jumped at me. Porsche should know better.

    GT5 has a damage model and it's NOT an unlock, it's available from the start provided you patch your game (they included it in one of the few first patches). There are even achievements that make you damage your car in a specific way (like getting the door to fall off).

    I really hope it's not going to be just a GT for PS Vita and GT Academy 2013 announcement.

    Am I the only one who likes all the slower cars in GT games? I think GT2 had a brilliant car list. You could drive things like a Merc CLK 200 or a Cinquecento Sporting. To me GT isn't about racing but about being able to drive loads and loads of different cars.


    My Nissan Navara has heated cloth seats so GM is full of crap about their cars being first.