XL Diva Ranting

Yes. Since seeing Joan Chen, a major actress in her own right, simply running around behind Steven Seagal in "On Deadly Ground," I've wanted a woman action star just being herself.

Thank you!

I saw your comment and am new to Jezebel, how do I approve a comment, do you know? I'd like to approve yours! Thx.

That handsome devil belongs on another action movie poster made up almost entirely of aging male action stars. (Oh wait. Expendables 3. Ugh. Except for Rhonda Rousey.)

Somewhere in there there's talk of her being a sculptor with her work walking in some designer or other's runway show. So she put it on a male model? Something's hanging off him? His clothing? How does sculpture walk, anyway? Who cares?

Never seen one in NH but the feminist health center in the state Capitol has diehard protestors as well as the OB/GYN office I go to. My doc was a lone holdout in the area to provide the option despite death threats.

Just a thought: can we please stop calling these women's health clinics "abortion clinics"? They provide many more health services than abortions and I believe we help fan the anti-choice, anti-access to healthcare for women flames by using the term that those in opposition have chosen to use as a way to incite the

"Nap pods." Also known as the chair in the fire dept dispatch office on a 12 hour overnight shift when nothing happens all.night.long.

"watching"not "watvhing"

I love how Mom shows baby what to do, also that all the aunties are watvhing !

Wow. I gotta start watching Dr.Who again.

Wow. I gotta start watching Dr.Who again.