
Any time a writer is filled with ‘rage’ for a seeming hypocrisy (mobile phones and computers are way more destructive to society than bottled water) I say double your usage of whatever inspired their rage...

The addition of gate is a public service that helps you identify journalists who are not very good.

“Yes, we live in a society that’s been shaped in many ways around those vehicles”

Noted idiotic liberal Adam Clark Estes spews more liberal nonsense.

Well, the Internet used to be nice. The government is why we can never have nice things.

In about 500 million years, maybe 1 billion... yes. The overall brightening of the sun will contribute significantly to global warming. In 2 billion years, the sun will likely be so bright that the earth will no longer be in the habitable zone, and will slowly die. Isn't it very impressive that we with our fossil

Can I ask why do people prefer the start menu over the start screen? The start screen is literally a fullscreen version of the start menu. I don't see the point of multi-tasking when using start :L

I love how both the mistaken belief that extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes, as well as the actual decreasing frequency of such storms are evidence for man made global warming. Those are some fancy gymnastics.

When part of their side of the conversation includes something on the order of "if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan," I can pretty much assume the rest of it is also bullshit.

Now everything can look like Soap Operas. Yay?

I was going to say Mitt Romney did a stellar job running the 2002 Olympics. I agree, Mitt would have done an excellent job running the country versus what we have now.

Ummmmm yes, in 2002, when they were run by Mitt Romney, they were very profitable. You know, the guy who should be running our country and turning our economy around right now. What a shame.

I just love the slant against the OS for not having this sooner, yet myself and the other thread of actual WP owners don't see the need with how the OS is designed. It's an addition for people to shut up about it not being there in the same way they'd expect on the other systems.

The volume control thing though is

How would today's Gizmodo front page look like, if this was Apple Surface Pro: