
I fail to see the problem with the global warming thing. He's right on the money as far as I'm concerned. Global Warming is a ridiculous scam. It's lies and all about power. Science does not back it up whatsoever.

Yes ITunes will run on surface pro.

I wasn't referring to android.

I find it sad and telling that you're willing to put up with so much crap just because it's an iPhone. Really, purple flaring in the camera? Chipping paint? This is basic stuff and you and so many people are willing to put up with all of it simply because it has an apple logo on it, when there's plenty of phones

Microsoft arc touch

Already installed on my PC and I love it. I thinks it amazingly intuitive. And p.s. I like the new logo

I love finally seeing articles that are positive on microsoft. Bonus points cause the pic is from utah.

For the sake of us all I hope you're right. Like I said, I still have way more faith in Microsoft to pull off an update like this effectively than Google.

I wish they weren't going with OTA updates though. Though I have much more faith in Microsoft than Google to pull it off correctly. I love knowing that when the update is available I can just go home, plug in, and get the update. No waiting for stupid "Carrier Rollouts"

@crazydogg 115 What about Iphones?

Of course it will be preloaded, it's Android. Buy a WP7. Still getting updates a year later. :)

unless you're getting a windows phone.

Meanwhile 100% of first generation windows phone users have received the update within 3 weeks of launch. All of the phones being almost a year old.

They're simply covering what in the news. Did you see the coverage that Giz had on Iphone 4S day? There were way more stories regarding that then the Nokia World. this is the even that's happening today and they're covering it. Just because you don't want to read it doesn't mean that other people don't. I didn't

IE9 forever. Firefox blows

Windows phone?

I will continue my love for my Zune HD. Neva-die. It's an unfortunate loss and I'll be caught dead before I carry around an Ipod. My Windows Phone 7.5 will eventually replace it of course, but not yet.

Music from Medal of Honor: Frontline

With the ridiculous belief that CO2 drives climate aside. No it wouldn't create a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect works by trapping the suns rays that reach the surface of the earth. The sulfur in the atmosphere would make it more difficult for the rays to penetrate the atmosphere of the earth. Therefore,

Texting is fine a large majority of the time. However, if I'm making plans with someone and we're trying to decide what we're going to do that evening. You better bet that you're gonna be getting a call from me. I can't stand getting a stream of texts like this.