
I believe it at least did up until a couple of years ago in NJ, which is perhaps the most permissive state about adult incest. I could be wrong, but I was told that a friend's cousin married her own first cousin and they were required to have a blood test done.

I was just going to say that. If anything, it sounds like her babysitter and dog walker are (hopefully) making decent money. But maybe I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt because I like her as an actress and she seems like a cool person, I don't know.

And she was awesome in Holes.

I think Patricia Arquette has more than "limited" star power, especially compared to most actresses her age (though of course it's a huge problem that I even needed to include that addendum).

I just don't think she cares what's flattering on her at all. More power to her, as far as I'm concerned, but I do find it confusing.

I'm not trolling, and you aren't even making a coherent point. You're correct that he might not understand the possible ramifications of stepping on dogs (like most young children— and yes, I know he has Down's syndrome, because that is in the article), so that means... what? He needs to be told, and he isn't being

Oh jeez. I'm about as leftist as they come, I care about animal welfare (I've been a vegetarian since childhood), and I really do not understand what the big deal is. Would I have told the kid to get off the poor dog? Yup. Do kids do this ALL THE TIME to their pets without causing harm to them? Yup.

Yeah, I really don't think Kanye's ever been the same since his mother's death.

Most Argentines really hate her, but hey, she's not the only president under whom their economy has become tragic.

Ah, okay, sorry for misunderstanding.

I've been following the movement pretty closely on Twitter, and from what I've read, there are many people who (reasonably/rightfully, in my opinion) are happy to have non-black allies protesting, but who believe that black people should be the leaders of the protests and that others should follow their lead— for

YES. It should not be controversial to say that what happened to Eric Garner was a tragedy and a miscarriage of justice, and that this country should be better. Yet so few celebrities are speaking out.

If you have real brand-name Tupperware (and some other non-super shitty kinds), they're probably microwave safe!

I was told to do this by a cognitive behavioral therapist, and I agree that it works. Sometimes it can be stressful when I think "What's the worst that can happen?" and come up with "WELL I COULD FAIL THE EXAM AND NEVER GET A JOB AND DIE OF STARVATION," but then you just calm yourself down and realize that nothing is

Today wasn't your last chance to get out there! Just try to go next time and/or show support in other tangible ways.

This is incredible. Thank you for bringing it into my life.

I can't figure it out, either.

Obviously it's fake.

Couldn't she have just responded "You treated me like shit when we were in school together, it caused me a lot of pain, and I'm not interested in hanging out"...? I don't know, this just seems unnecessary. I can't imagine finding that satisfying, but I'm definitely glad she got an apology.

Yes, poor CBS. Poor advertisers. Poor Victoria's Secret. Wouldn't want there to be even an hour of TV without hypersexualized or violent advertising!