
Uh... well. Those in the medical field are far less likely to be put physically in harm's way than police officers are. Your comparison of the two seems to be in bad faith to me, as that is quite obviously not what "do no harm" means in medical professions.

Police officers who have written on how to fix the issue of

Hahaha, this totally sounds like something I would do. I really wouldn't worry about it! If you both had fun last night and the sex was awesome, I don't think a little awkwardness in the morning is a big deal— it's hard to know what to do for goodbyes with someone you're "seeing" but not in a relationship with... or

YES. This is my second night in a row of working on overdue papers (I procrastinate a lot, but this is really out of character for me). I don't know what to do. My brain is dripping out of my ears.

You can do it! Just take care of yourself, and don't be hard on yourself if it doesn't go your way right off the bat (not that I know you would be— I don't know you!— but I have a hard time with this). You're not going to be doing your best work and, more importantly, you'll be too stressed to learn and enjoy it if

I agree with these suggestions, but I'm not sure I agree that one needs a major aside from English to do those jobs. I know many English majors (I'm one myself, though I'm a double major) who are professional writers, but not creative writers. Your first job out of college was a PR job and you didn't need to study PR

I agree with these suggestions, but I'm not sure I agree that one needs a major aside from English to do those jobs. I know many English majors (I'm one myself, though I'm a double major) who are professional writers, but not creative writers. Your first job out of college was a PR job and you didn't need to study PR

I think the editor was probably anticipating this. There's a reason other 11-year-olds don't tend to give major cover-story interviews: most will just be boring and rehearsed-sounding (and probably inadvertently humorous, but rarely).

No, it wasn't. At least in recent decades, the writing and content were never consistent enough to warrant the paper's distinguished reputation, in my opinion (the Style section in particular has pretty much always been a hotbed of dumb trend pieces that only affect upper-class Manhattanites— and now upper-middle

My friends and I definitely knew and told jokes far more inappropriate than that at age 11, and I really don't think it was a big deal...? Our parents, many of whom were pretty overprotective about a lot of things, weren't concerned, either.

If someone finds that triggering, then why is this individual reading the comments section on this article?

Jenna is Marnie from Girls?

My boyfriend occasionally tweets at musicians and it drives me INSANE.

My comment about their possible friendship was specifically in response to a comment which implied that they weren't previously acquainted with one another. I would not have brought up their possible friendship otherwise; I agree that even if they are friends and even if she was not offended, it would not absolve him

I don't disagree with you at all, and I think it was really disrespectful. I just think that Ms. Woodson can determine for herself whether or not they're friends and how she feels about the situation.

I've been reading that they are friends, which I think would make it more plausible that it was honestly intended as an innocuous joke. It was totally inappropriate, thoughtless, and generally offensive regardless, but I don't know that it necessarily suggests disrespect for Woodson herself.

You know the poster wasn't asking you specifically, right?

God, I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's so horrifying that his "punishment" was 48 hours of community service— I feel like that's more insulting than even denying that he did anything wrong would have been.

Is it really controversial to say that it's more shocking to hear that someone has sexually assaulted a very small child than it is to hear that he assaulted girls in their late teens (along with adult women)? I don't think we need to be ranking horrible crimes by how "bad" they are, but one is certainly more uncommon

Black people are also statistically more likely to be HIV positive. Do you suggest a ban against all black people giving blood?

Okay, but it's probably better to tell your friend if you suspect that his or her significant other is cheating than it is to just leave it alone and assume they have an arrangement, yes?