
You’re confusing Torch with Tavarish. Tavarish is the one who flips old luxury cars...

I think the point is that you don’t care about the object in question directly, be it a purse or a car. You care about how the object makes you look to others. Really, you care about yourself, the object is just incidental.

‘dem memes are dank.


Yeah, but then you go to your profile... 0 followers.

I suspect the new owners are trying to get off on the right foot with Jalopnik readers...

omg, that’s awful. But this is also why you tie a big, colorful ribbon on your bag and look for that instead of the general shape/color of the bag.

With an average of 92 auto fatalities per day in the US (2012 statistic) and over 3200 per day on a global scale, there were probably well over a hundred teenage driver fatalities yesterday alone.

It was less weird before the media convinced everyone that their children will be abducted and sexually abused if they are left alone for more than 30 seconds.

I’ve been saying this for quite some time. It stopped being about quality and became a game of how much crap we can cram into our cars that will inevitably fail after the lease period

That page did not have an animation of a Fusion and an XF getting it on; so I do not believe it to be a factual representation of the source of this design.

Beat me to it, and I’m in mourning. I’ve been told that as a 62 year old boomer I was never the intended audience, but the last publication that spoke to me the same way was the original National Lampoon over 40 years ago. I hate you Univision! (Unless you find a way to keep these guys going, in which case I love you

Gawker.com is but one web property in a collection of web properties that Univision has purchased. Univision have decided not to continue to operate Gawker.com, but other properties will continue to exist.

Gawker, Yugo. Jalopnik, Yustay.

With great speed comes great responsibility.

“Just because cars have tailpipes doesn’t mean you are entitled to them.”

and her arms move.

I’d say a game that gives me dozens of hours of relaxation and enjoyment is well worth $60. All about dollar/hours of time played and/or enjoyed.

The burden of proof is put upon the victim and there’s often a bias toward innocence,