
I work in customer service making people’s experiences markedly better.

The radar gun probably malfunctioning or the police officer is lying.

I don’t want to be a part of this world anymore .jpg

Right, you didnt find it obvious, like a bunch of other less than stellar people,ran over kids,and now we have school zones and literal stop signs plastered on them because we know what a “reasonable speed” but we cant quite figure out reasonable safety.

I see what you’re saying and it is pretty close.

Awareness works by making decisions with the expectation of possible incorrectness.

That isn’t a contradiction at all.

I wasn’t saying the law says to do that.

Thats a fanciful amount of paranoia.

reality is subjective.

I answered thisalready for others.

Yep it is alway s the other guys fault.

There is no such thing as rules of the road.

I mean, youre a rNdm internet poster, posting an absolutist position. Youre already an idiot.

Jacob: yea people yield to school buses.

Lol, so you get in accidents when people deviat from the rules and I dont. I also dont get in accidents when I follow the rules of the road.

Now I remember why I don’t comment on jalop. God man.

Tl;dr response.

The prof was right.

Good. I’m 32 with over 500,000 miles under my belt. Driven extended road trips all over the US and daily commute on one of the most congested and accident riddled highways in TX. I’ve also put 20,000 miles as a motorcyclist in TX as well.