
I love it when someone is trying to tell about their horrors of employment and all they got is, “I wasn’t treated really well.” Oh, no, did you guys really have to work in a conference room?!?! How did you survive that? They treated you like just another worker and not the precious individual that you are? Yeah,

Perhaps, a well written technical report with sentences and fully formed paragraphs. Here’s a really great read from Edward Tufte on why PowerPoint is so terrible for this kind of communication: http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a…

Sounds like Tarvish just bought a rotary to fix up.

Time to call your state’s bureau of weights and measures to look at that gas station.

That you are weak and soft


I will be honest, I disliked the series anyway... although Sean was far more tolerable than Wes Siler and his one-upsmanship bro-cycle column.

those are called “nutrunners.”

Presumably at some point the author will actually read the Reuters story and see the problem was a $10 switch, not a router.

Remember that time you slap dick’s got rid of Sean and now just post videos that are months old from youtube? Y’all are terrible.

Can you guys stop posting this stuff? If you're going to get rid of bike articles that were actually good, can you stop with posting nothing but shitty crash videos. If you're going to kill lanesplitter fucking do it. Don't insult the bike community you have here more by posting nothing but crash videos.

I get it, you like Tavarish. He’s not my cup of tea and I don’t find his articles insightful, as there are literally thousands of dudes out there who do this for a living. And he’s not taking on cars, he’s flipping them. Big difference. Getting a car running so you can sell it is much different than living with said


Lansplitter: Why read about motorcycles and the motorcycle industry when you can watch these YouTube videos instead?

guys, you might as well just wind down Lanesplitter. I appreciate that you fought the good fight, but it’s clear where Gawker’s priorities are, and Lanesplitter isn’t on the list. half-heartedly trying to keep it going with the helmet cam vid du jour isn’t fulfilling the original goal of making motorcycle journalism

Welcome to 7 months ago.

I think it’s more of people leaving because they see a sinking ship. The result of the Hogan lawsuit can not be understated here.

Your saying the Kinja programmers are secure because they suck and aren’t talented? or because Kinja borks itself every so often and they have to be around to save the day.

“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”

Actually, i have read it and I have submitted comments on proposed regulations. If people choose to not be an active participant in their government, then they suck at government.