
The PC market has multiple storefronts for games.  You are at the mercy of Sony/MS on pricing for console games.

They did find out and ran a software update “over the air”.  HA!!!!

Having played the campaign I have to agree there is something that feels very off about the Empire side. I mean obviously they are space nazis but it keeps trying to remind you that you are a space nazi by making you do war crimes but still wants you to enjoy the mission and have fun and its just a huge mess.

I’m not super interested if you are trolling or have some weird ax to grind w/Ford. I will say you are being a complete asshole about this.

OH no, how dare I encourage a billion-dollar automaker to give away more gifts worth tens of thousands of dollars to hardworking charitable people lol 

You could be an executive producer on a movie based on your life and still be overruled by studio execs who prioritize making a “good” movie (i.e. a movie made their way) over your own lived-in experience. Having more Asian people in key creative positions reduces the chances of that happening.

True. But it unfortunately does that only as a side-effect of propagating the opinions of said racist trash.

It just means there are only 16 people sad enuff to be home on Saturday night, reading Jalapnik, commenting on Jalopnik...

Yeah, I wonder if Ana de Armas would agree that Johnson doesn’t know what the hell to do with actors of color.

I think what happened was he thought the series was making him Ridley’s love interest, and he maybe blames Johnson for ending that and pushing the Rey/Ren story. So while Johnson did give his character an arc and something to do in the movie taking a lot of the running time, it was a “side” thing, not a “star” thing.

that wasn’t his characterization though? He absolutely trusts Leia, a woman. He just doesn’t trust Holdo because she doesn’t let him in on her plans. It has nothing to do with her gender. We don’t even see men in command for him to conversely trust.

I actually felt they tried to nip Poe/Finn shipping by giving them each a female character they could feasibly be into.

...It didn’t work.

+1. I know TLJ online discourse is still broken but it’s... pretty bad to see those starred comments above telling Boyega why he’s just wrong about TLJ not being a good Finn movie. Yikes.

Congratulations on saying the stupidest fucking thing possible.

Star Wars doesn’t take place in our universe, stupid. There’s no Earth, there was no African slave trade, there’s nothing “woke” about the Empire having black people, you absolute moron.

...and he’s mostly right, yeah.

I’m more and more convinced that there should be specialty training for primary/secondary education in low-income schools (with financial incentives), along with expansive school-based social-work programs and strict oversight on the condition of facilities and materials. It wouldn’t address the full scope of

Now playing

I never claim it couldn’t be who you were, I just claimed that if one of the options was it was who you were then you were ignorant. Which is true because, saying stuff like, “I don’t like defining things left or right” and “programmed to believe that all opinions have a left or right wing agenda” says so. I’m gonna

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again:

You’re making the mistaken assumption of assuming all conspiracy theories are created equal. There is a big difference behind “Mole people live in the center of the earth,” and “Any grass-roots movement demanding equality is a front for a secret cabal of (((Leaders))) with the end goal of enslaving mankind.”

There’s a

Just because power corrupts does not mean that every character will be corrupted. And Maeve is hardly good. Just not as bad.