
This shit reminds me of Ben Shapiro’s fiction. It also wouldn’t be out of place on Tucker Carlson’s show.


Like we already bail a few southern states with federal money?

“I have no sympathy for the situation.” This is what you are contributing to the conversation? Fuck you want, a cookie?

I wouldn’t even call those three hoods dangerous. There’s certain streets to avoid at certain times but it’s not like people are just stealing cars on Blue Hill ave.

Shit we might be thinking of the same wal-mart

Sports don’t exist in a vacuum. Jackie Robinson integrating MLB would only a sports issue by your logic.

I couldn't find what CHUMP means in this context, help?

How can you be irritated without being uncomfortable?

Ray Allen a 1 trick pony? Jesus you must be fucking young if you only remember the last few years of his career. FOH.

I thought she's pretty good, given what she's working with so far

How do you know it's based on just one person's claim? And how many people need to corroborate before you are okay with a permanent ban? Seriously, what's the cutoff?

why 20? What’s the difference between one and 20?

Who’s doing the ridiculing though? Not women...

I’m a New Yorker and I was at Ft. Bragg with the 82nd Airborne on that day. Giuliani used that event to make himself into a leader that he wasn’t and a hero for people who didn’t live through his time as mayor.

Broken Windows policies, homeless abuse, all kinds of police brutality and as a POC that asshole made life

Was Obama in the wings? We keep trotting out the same old voices. I’d like to hear more from Harris and others.

Soportar o apoyar? Por que este momentohay que soportar a Sanders pero hay que apoyar a otro candidato que no sea él ni Hillary

Someone can give credit while pointing out where you came up short and if you are serious about improving, you don’t get defensive, you try again, and try harder.

The whole “write your own and if it’s better people will go for it” doesn’t make sense in the real world. There’s a ton of shitty stuff that’s selling like

I taught middle school and high school for 11 years, this kind of shit riles me up. And honestly, that HS question can be asked of 5th graders. There’s no way this teacher didn’t know what they were doing.

Wait, we are talking about Bodegas and you post about Whole Foods in the Upper East Side and downtown? You are talking about apples and pineapples, what kind of New Yorker are you?