I’m glad this article came out, a lot of what’s written about is part of the education we get as men of color. Keep your distance and try not to scare white women.
I’m glad this article came out, a lot of what’s written about is part of the education we get as men of color. Keep your distance and try not to scare white women.
No. African-American refers to the descendants of slaves who were brought from Africa to the U.S. and the 13 colonies. You can be black and NOT be African American. You don’t have to call us Afro-Caribbeans anything, we know the countries we come from.
You might talk to people from the West Indies all the time. But…
No, no no no no. West Indians = Afro-Caribbeans specifically from the Dutch, English and French-speaking islands. I’m not going to get into the distinction between African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans but you got this one wrong.
Except that these women passed the ONE standard for Ranger School. What more do you want?
Women have to do that, and then they have to go to a prep-course that over 80 percent of them fail, which most men don’t have to go to
Making it through Ranger School doesn’t guarantee a spot on the Ranger Regiment. Actually, most of the soldiers who complete it end up in regular Army units. There’s a difference between a tabbed Ranger and one with the scroll.
I don’t know if you served or not, but in my unit, it wasn’t that uncommon for a guys to go at each other, even during deployment. It’s not necessarily a sign of poor discipline, things happen in house and get fixed in house and that’s all there is to it. I really think comparing regular jobs to the military, or in…
The man fought bravely in one of the worst place to fight in, earned a medal of honor and we are just gonna try to make fun of his name?
I know...it’d be amazing to see police officers face the full weight of the law for their actions.
Here, let me try to break it down.
The best solution is to have a test that reflects the needs and challenges of war theaters. It's what we got now.
" But are requirements tough in a way that's realistic to the job?"
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this.
"Vlad drank from puddles because the shack he lived in had no running water (or electricity). When a hurricane blew the tin roof off their hovel, Vlad's family of seven squeezed into one tiny room, sharing two beds, then waited and waited for the hurricane-caused flooding to subside, while subsisting on milk and sugar…
"Weekley fired one fatal shot. It went straight through the child's head. Weekley said it was an accident and accused [Stanely-Jones' grandmother] of wrestling with his gun immediately as he entered the abode, causing the fatal shot."
Try harder.
And it's still an asshole thing to say, to teachers, and other public servants. What's your point?
The kind of asshole that tells soldiers and cops "I pay your salary!" aka entitled white boys that grow up into assholes.
I liked the Hurt Lucker as an action movie. As a war movie, it sucked. From uniforms being wrong to the idea of that team rolling around Baghdad. I just couldn't settle into it. OEF combat vet here, just my two cents. I just felt like they didn't need to add all the unrealistic stuff, you already have a war zone,…
That line was referring to her relatives you dumb fuck.