
If you watch the kid as he ran with the drone, you can tell he has an idea of how to run with a camera. I’ve worked with cameras before. This kind of movement takes some practice. It’s not all just the gimbal in the drone.

Not. At. All. The. Same. Assult (especially to a minor) is an act so horrible it can’t even be described. Nightmares alone continue for decades after the incident, let alone self-doubt, misery, and depression. Politics have their place, but please don’t bring them here.

On 3 lane hwy’s it’s actually a recipe for disaster. I’m often in the left lane passing truck duels (2 trucks, one passing the other, so they take up both right hand lanes) and some nut comes on my bumper going about 85, then passes on the right. I’ve found it’s in my better interest to stay put until they pass me. I

Thank you lazarus for leaving this here, I agree. A cut to our coastgaurd (especailly %14) is in nobody’s best interest. It is true, our national budget needs a proper going through, but this is not an agency you want to short change.

new icebreaker proposal?

Ah. They took the red one...

Well said, good sir. Blind anger is one of my biggest pet peeves. Understanding and tolerance are in short supply lately. I second Phades by the way, had a trans friend about 10 years ago, we hung out and stuff. A bit weird, but hey, so was high school.

...I may be in the minority here, but I work at a middle school. A case like this one sets a precedent. As soon as our country says its okay for boys to use the girls restrooms (or the other way around) because they “feel like it”, problems will skyrocket. I’m for supporting genuine cases, but they should be given

This is still a bit long winded, but it was the best I could do:

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