
Why didnt I think of this shit; theres gotta be like 50 million dumbasses that would buy this

How is easy is it to reach the ram and hard drive

@Invisiblemoose: We already restrict technological advancements ask the military or look up Telsa or many patents that have never seen and never will see the light of day.

One thing that does concern me is that when/if news papers get on devices like this; what makes it so that they cant make articles and then change them if demanded by govt., a corporation etc and just slip it in without the user knowing or changing the words in a book so they don't criticize whomever.

What happens when it snows that has to be a bitch to shovel

Cant wait for the Crusades Part 2 on Mars.

Why don't they just put the shutdown and restart buttons in the damn taskbar like how the orb is ; that would be more useful than half the shit thats already on there. #windows7

How long before they all add a loophole in there terms of service "can not use alist to dial forwarding numbers and if we see that you are the number will be blocked" or some shit like that. #googlevoice

Did they have people going in and out during the time people leave for work and get home otherwise it wouldn't have been hard to figure out after a while if you see people making a reverse commute on normal days it would have been a red flag especially back then.

So is change eye color on the list I bet many would jump at any company offering that.

Give us midori

@ffejie: Lucky you; at my school everything is full retail price

@ean5533: Forget Ubuntu; Kubuntu is better.

@Xjep: windows vista sp3 comes out to windows 7

Why do you guess most people would have moved on by the time windows sp3 to windows 7; most people don't go out an buy os the average person only buys them when they get a new computer so most wont have windows 7 until there computer brakes or they want a new one.

What about the option of dont use credit cards and credit at all if you cant afford it dont buy it, if you cant afford the car or house you want get one you can afford or go car less depending on where you live or rent an apartment and save your money.

@Deprong Mori: A better idea is dont take out the $200,000 loan and buy what you can actually afford instead of relying on credit and if you cant afford it dont buy it.