
So the old red & white plates were used for a few years, I have some nice ones I want to use, but not sure if you need the registration stick with model year or the color plate that fits the era the plate was used.

Is it true St. Louis Zoo is the only free zoo as far as your experience? They boast that, but I haven’t been to other zoos.

That would take some coordination.

XJ Jeep Cherokee

I may have been thinking of the grand Cherokee wk, I think in 2005.

That was what I was going to say, I’d like it & its standard equipment now, so I wouldn’t really be paying extra for it. As long as I could disable it via fuse or something.

TJ is old tech I think, when did JK come out? 2005ish? That’s 10 years.

No, $0. Not right now.

No one wants to borrow my car.

I know the feel

Ford Focus wheels on a Bugatti, That's just bologna.

Did I see one of these today?

Sign me up as a driver, although not 20 years old, it's 1L, has patina, I can unhook the exhaust at the manifold, & there is no front passenger seat. Lots of leg room around all the trash & work stuff.

My wife calls this Hangry. So hungry you are angry.

I think that torpedoes are shot underwater.

Have you even been to 100AW on a good year? (No ice / snow)

Not much shoulder on either side.

My son & I were able to catch a few minutes of the race between a wedding & reception. Although he is only 2 I cherish these days before he can really appreciate automotive for everything it is besides just pointing at the screen saying "Car, car."

I'll admit, I tapped on the word link. Nothing happened. Damn.