1948 Tucker
1948 Tucker
I have and do. Owned 2 jeep Cherokees one manual 2 door other 4door auto. I still own 2 1984 VW rabbit Gti.
your truck is 16' not 12. I drive these trucks all the time for my construction company. Its cheaper to rent a truck for $30/day than to own them, especially when we rent 30 trucks during the summer months.
Maybe more unsafe than dangerous, but I'd say it's my current DD Metro. I used to pick up my kid from daycare in this thing, I put her in the back seat through the hatch. That got some looks. Every time I'm on the highway at 70 MPH I swear I can see my life flash before my eyes, and constantly check mirrors and…
I will probably die, or severely injured in the case of a crash.
and for the rear, my own fix after 4-wheeling and breaking my Cherokee rear lens Red spray can cap installed with (2) 3" screws
dew stocker
this, not really sure why.
ok so it's late, but here is a question for Travis.
Bloodhound gang
now you can, well sorta...
in order of appearance
no sir.
@Justin Rogers: I actually took all my hub caps off
ISP Fail!
I seen this 1 1/4 at a gas station near home, out of state plates
@bzr: yes! and the ones at walmart even have a slot for a nail/screw
@worthless_cos: (Miss JOHNSON) + (69x2=FUN) = extra parts
MO DOT figures driving on the wrong side of the road will get you there faster
@87CapriceEstate 2 years and counting: Stand By Me