My eyes roll every time I see the “last gen could not handle a game like this, hur durr” falacy.
My eyes roll every time I see the “last gen could not handle a game like this, hur durr” falacy.
Might be a good idea to tell us what platforms it’s on, pricing, and provide links to the storefronts. j/s
When Swatting finally saves someone...
Thanks for featuring my video again! I’m like “woah where are these views coming from” then I check kotaku first and boom lol.
My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p
Love the new show Tim and Gita. One piece of constructive criticism I might offer: move the scripts closer to the camera in future episodes so your eye lines match up with the camera lens. As it stands, it’s a bit distracting to watch you guys speak while looking two inches to the left of the camera.
Or at least egend.
It’s China. I doubt anyone’s paying Square to use these characters.
There are dozens of us in Japan that love the Xbox One! DOZENS of us!!
All records are meant to be broken.
So this is how it all begins ay? XD
I blame the mother for letting her ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON buy a copy of GRAND THEFT AUTO 5. the level of stupidity there is astounding.
“When he opened the booklet inside one of the pre owned games he ( MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD SON!!!!!!!) found this. A baggie of fucking meth!”
Well, it is only one X away from being pornographic.
Oh come on Nintendo, why do you have to give such shitty rewards to your dedicated fans? I’m sure they feel absolutely poo’d off at this crap. What a lump of dung. I guano why they felt this was worth a pile, but this makes Nintendo a definite number 2 in my eyes.
Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.
I do not think it is possible to agree more with a reply.
I’m going to reference my profession, just once, to contextualize what I’m going to say next: I have spent the last decade as a professor of Literature (and Rhet/Comp, but whatevz).
I say that to say this: Final Fantasy XV is by turns a brilliant, revelatory, and absolutely necessary change in direction for a franchise…