Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.
Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.
No matter what else you think about her or what awful things she’s done, the rumor about her nonexistent illiteracy *is* sexist and doesn't make sense and isn't funny, and I don't know why Jezebel is obsessed with repeating it, but it's old.
Do you have an advance copy of the orange crop report, Winthorpe?
Try being curious instead of simply dismissive. The linked article (“ prevents the poop from rolling away ”) mentions that “wombats will often leave their mark outside their burrow entrances or on top of rocks and logs.” The other linked article mentions “a propensity to defecate on logs and other elevated objects”.…
A piece of cardboard cut to the shape of the cooler’s lid and placed on top of your food will also help keep cold air in.
She wasn’t yelling. And, confronting these assholes whenever and wherever you have the chance is good.
And the winner is:
I hate the John Harrison Project almost as much as the Alan Parsons Project.
I think I'd take the Borg over Trump.
You can posit a species with the tech to build a scaffolding around a star, but the complex manipulation of matter is a bridge too far?