
Television Executives sit behind desks and delegate by reading numbers and letters.

I'll tell you right now. I'm not a MAC user, and I have seen iLife a few times in some of my buddies computers... I dont even know how you guys could even think about comparing the two. iLife will win, hands down, every time...

It just seems to me that the IE guys continue to miss the point every time. People don't like IE because it's ugly. People dont like IE because it causes the most problems in their computers. Internet Explorer will continue to be a Security liability in computers and I as an IT worker will make sure non of my clients

This reminds me of a conversation I had recently. I went to see a friend and she was surprised that I also use my cupcake oven pan for making popsicles, and lots of frozen treats too. I thought everyone did that...

Does 'Vintage' now mean "Dirty Lense" look?

Tomorrow's Tutorial: How to ruin a perfectly good countertop attempting the 'How-To-Open-A-Beer-Bottle-With-A-Coutertop' tutorial.

Between the time you first enter the car a begin to cool the seat and the temperature stabilizing with the air conditioner I can see a problem with condensation.

oh this is awesome... I guess it's an "Android thing"? to be weird with the rotation thingy? ...kindda thought my Aria was broken... Im still gonna contact ATT to be sure... but this app is great...

The expression "hubless" is technically incorrect. A 'hub' is the center of the wheel, which technically makes the expression correct. But in reality it is a spokesless wheel. Even though the spokes on the wheel connect to the wheel hub. But you get the idea... I think...

VOTE: MS Word 2007 for Mobile


I remember an aplication that would encrypt your password by the time it would take to break it.

I hate to echo everybody else' comment, but the only thing that ruins the new iPhone for me is AT&T.

VOTE: Adobe Connect NOW and Adobe Connect PRO

The Windows Error Report should be changed to this software.


VOTE: "My Brain"

Now playing

This isn't the first time that's happened... I am a resident of Puerto Rico and am ashamed of this behavior. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Display Fusion would a good choice... if WINDOWS7 wasnt in the list. There is just no comparison to what Win7 can do to manage multiple monitors... and may I add projectors too. It's outstanding.

this should toooootally have a password... would make for a great site blocker for kiosk users... and freee!