
I’m going to start up Dragon Quest VIII for similar, or I guess parallel reasons. My brother loved it but I never played any of the games. I’ve been putting it off though. Hope you get some kind of catharsis from your next, hopefully successful attempt.

That’s very rough. I know it sounds trite to say so but I remember certain things I couldn’t look at after my little brother died, like Dragonball Z or Fullmetal Alchemist but now I want to play Dragon Quest VIII for the first time to remember him - he loved it. I know your mum might not be connected to you through

Wow, I had an extremely similar situation - it wasn’t the first game, but Ni No Kuni was released almost one year after my mom’s sudden death and a certain scene halfway through brought on the waterworks, big time. The whole game brought up massive feelings, in fact. It was cathartic.. but then I just got distracted

In an early shot of the video, the harness on the dog states that it is a PTSD dog.

This just gave me the kick that I need to start Ni No Kuni over and finally finish it. Life (and depression) got in the way the first time around, but I’ve been meaning to go back ever since. Only game to ever make me cry.

I just wanted to say that you are not alone and you have allies. The election made me feel like my voice was being stomped on. That my equality was even less than I already knew it to be. And I’m just a white woman. I can’t imagine how women of color must feel. The other day, I decided to reclaim my voice. I

As a member of a demographic that has something to fear from Trump: here’s a better idea, how about YOU shut the fuck up? Do you not realize how insanely unhelpful your attitude is? You want to play ideological purity gatekeeper against people that share our goddamned ideology and want to help? How did that attitude

Uh, you’re good. So long as it’s not “thoughts and prayers”, we’re good.

And this is why trump was elected. This “jezebel/gawker holier than thou” attitude put forth by younger, hipster liberals. Not all white people are bad, and not all men are evil. By blanketing an entire race or gender as evil, you are literally making the same horrible mistakes that white people have made

As a gay man who has felt marginalized by individuals and the system during this election, I want to thank you for continuing to support the cause. Fuck the bitter assholes who reamed you for supporting your voice and your beliefs. We all need to be on the same team, and demeaning and demoralizing someone for an

People can agree/disagree with how she’s handling it; however, she has to process what is going on with a friend and colleague in the public eye. Sounds like she is just trying to wrap her head around things. I’d give her some time to sort things out. She may change her tune (or not).

Oh shit I am so sorry we are supposed to defer to internet outrage when it comes to deciding how we feel about people we are close to. It’s almost as if our feelings towards the people we love who do and say DUMB ASS SHIT were super simple!! I mean sometimes I forget to tell my future mother in law that I straight up