What? No homo sex? This is a non-story. It’s been a minute since we’ve had a good god lovin’ fag hatin’ preacher get caught with a dick in his mouth. What’s going on?
Pittsburgh, yeah. From DC.
Please God tell me it was Tyson’s Corner or Chevy Chase.
I live on Eads Street and I almost want to go eat at M&S right now just because I’m tickled that that’s where you used to work but there’s nothing there that I want to eat.
Spot on for M&S.
Sounds like the restaurants closure was ... *puts on sunglasses*
OMG at my old job, the exec chef used to stop carrying ranch just to fuck with people (by people, I mean southern tourists. And I'm allowed to say that because I AM southern. HAHA). It was great. No one really cared at all, but every once in a blue moon someone would come in and be legit OUTRAGED. Like "we have to…