
Paladin dogs would be trained like seeing eye dogs. “Who’s a lawful good boy? You are!"

I don’t play D&D, but I still need them all. Cute overload.

It’s the fact that the idea of “women have to be thin”, “they have to watch their weight”, it’s a whole mentality that surrounds that. It’s partly our fault for buying into it, but we’re also raised in a society that screams it from the rooftops everywhere. 

The fact that you say that “women are easily and hands down

He obviously meant exactly what you said, most of the toxic players are men, therefore women, as a whole, aren’t as toxic.

This sums up everything from social media to the President of the United States. 

And the reason so many of us women are that way about food and things is because of toxic male dominated advertising that continues to be out there. So, yeah...

The tone of voice thing? Well, when you learn how to deal with people and are taught compassion and emotion vs aggression and dominance as children...which do

I’ve played with plenty of nonhealer women and I’ve played with plenty that choose healers. They typically tend to pick a healer because they’re trying to be a team player. Couple that with the fact that you’ve got toxic men just a hair trigger away from losing their shit if anything goes sideways and simply not being

people who grief women for picking mercy should automatically be blocked from receiving any healing.

Thanks to my roommates, I’ve been in a few female-only gaming groups myself. I’ve come to realize that they do exist, but they tend to be really hard to find because they generally try not to advertise their existence out of fear that they’ll get bombarded by men looking to score or abuse. The more I think about how

Honestly when my wife and I play comp we prefer girls join our group because they LISTEN. I get tired as a support calling for help in the back line because of a tracer + genji flank and some dumb dude bro on off tank saying to let the back line die.

because it’s stable with good pay?

It would be nice if they were actually women only groups, it would be nice to be able to play without getting asked if I am hot, or alternatively called a faggot. Really drove me away from the game and to Fortnite because I can just play solos and have fun with competitive play without the other people problem.

These features will not work. Most of the time when you pull up to a location everyone has their face buried in their phones. I’ve pulled up to pickup location on many instances and the rider has no clue that I’m there. I always send a message that I have arrived with no response back. More often than not the person

You don’t say. . . .

hahaha I get the joke here but the larger convention should still be questioned, yeah?

Some really cool work here. But was it really necessary to give the what I’m pretty sure was a 13-or-so-year-old girl from Jurassic Park huge boobs?

How about just treat them like anyone else?

How about just treat them like anyone else? No special treatment, no beneficial consideration over & above the general population. What one does in their sexual life should not be a badge of “treat me special” or “treat me different”.

Just get an open box of shit already

Gender = sex.  You’re confused from nonsense liberal media.